
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Blitz: Legend of Song de Light by Kaitlynzq #lovecontusongdelightlovecontu #kaitlynzq #audiobook #fiction #romance #promo @RABTBookTours

Guest Post

an inside sensory view of all-time by Kaitlynzq



nature’s vital heart beats
lyrics of lovecontu
a stream of words

ballads of adoryu
gentle breezes
emanates from inside
soft, quiet pulses

In the series Lovecontu Song de Light Lovecontu

A series that interweaves interior elements from the stories together like gentle hugs to one’s heart from Ancient Script of Lovecontu audio poem, a vocal surround of unique instrumental notes from Legend of Song de Light audio book, layers of quiet a cappella from inside of Legend of Song de Light audio play, to petal soft pink glows that hum throughout the hours held within Lovecontu Song de Light Lovecontu audio set.

The following links will guide you to the audio streams of the vocal recording of the extended and expanded upon scenes for several of the characters of moments within the sensory imagery in Legend of Song de Light audio book, and Legend of Song de Light audio play.

For the audio version on my audio streams:

And, for the audio streams and text version on my blog:

Reviews for Legend of Song de Light audio book

“...This stunningly original composition is heartbreaking yet uplifting and not to be missed…” by Lynda with Books Direct

“Kaitlynzq puts together a magnificent "song" with her words of Legend of Song de Light...The music in the background was chosen perfectly as it almost danced around her words…” by Amy with Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews

“Wonderful imagery and compelling tales!...Kaitlynzq’s storytelling technique in Legend of Song de Light is quite unique. ...There is an artistic take on fiction, heightened by the effects of poetry, photography and ballet expressed in each tale…” by Marie with Writing in the Modern Age

Available to Purchase at: 



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Blitz: A Divided Mind by M. Billiter @MaryBilliter #promo #thriller #excerpt #giveaway @RABTBookTours @hottreepubs

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Domestic Thriller
Date Published: July 27, 2019

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What if the only friend you have isn’t real? 

When the voices in his head begin to make sense, high school senior Branson Kovac turns to the one friend he’s still got… only to discover he’s not really there.


I was identifying the other parts of Kermit’s anatomy when tick boy tapped me again on the shoulder.

“What?” I glared at him and he backed away. That sudden jolt of anger triggered the shadow people. I shook my head, but it was still there. I saw a shadow of a person pick up the scalpel and attack tick boy with exact precision, cutting him across the throat. The only color I could see was red.

About the Author:

M. Billiter is the alter ego of contemporary, award-winning romance author, Mary Billliter.

After writing more than a dozen love stories, she is exploring the other side. Best known for her emotional honesty, Mary doesn't write about well-adjusted people, but rather the wounds in life.

M. Billiter writes with clarity and raw emotion to explore difficult subjects and issues close to her heart.

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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Release Blitz: Shoes on the Stairs by Jan Steele #womensfiction #newrelease #giveaway @jbaby711 @RABTBookTours

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Women's Fiction
Date Published: 7/27/2019
Publisher: Acorn Publishing

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Claire Blackwell can’t find that damn white light. Thanks to a mishap at an intersection, she’s dead and stuck somewhere between Heaven and what seems like Hell as she is forced to watch her husband and children unravel without her. While she struggles to find answers for her limbo state, her family begins to see her, offering what she believes, is a gift of second chances.

As she navigates through this new, untouchable world and the challenges it creates, she is forced to face some sad and potentially dangerous truths. Determined, she works to mend her relationship with her family, but her stubborn teenage son refuses to acknowledge her, and when tensions escalate with his long-time bully, her inability to control the physical world around her leaves her fearing for her family’s safety. With her time running out, she must find a way to save them before the progress she has made is lost and she fades from this world forever.

About the Author:

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Jan Steele grew up in the burbs of Chicago and after thirty-two years of shoveling snow, moved to Southern California with her husband and children. She has taught everything from Kindergarten through high school but found her passion for writing years later while living as an expat in Asia for four years. She’s a contributing author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Miracles and More (2018), shares a blog with her sister-in-law, and is an MFA student at UC Riverside. In addition to writing, she loves to travel, volunteer, watch college basketball and sunsets. She’s also passionate about shedding light on the lasting effects of bullying.

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Friday, July 26, 2019

Release Blitz: Kill Switch by S.W. Vaughn #crime #thriller #psychological #releaseday #promo #giveaway #excerpt @RABTBookTours

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Psychological Crime Thriller
Date Published: July 26, 2019 (preorder available now at 99 cents)

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Marco Lumachi is a professional hitman. His name is not Donovan North, and he’s not a detective transferring from New York City to Landstaff Junction, Vermont. But the whole town thinks he is, and if he wants to stay alive, he needs them to keep believing that.

Because the real Donovan North — who happens to look a lot like Marco — was gunned down on the way to his new job, by a rival mob family who thinks they killed the hitman.

Forced to work on the right side of the law, Marco finds himself hunting down a serial killer who’s brutally murdered two women already. Worse, his new “partner” is beautiful, dedicated, and not buying a word of his cover story.

But the man he’s impersonating kept secrets of his own, and what Detective North was hiding could prove deadly … for Marco, and for the innocent women that the killer is still targeting.

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New Heights Juvenile Detention Center — Bronx, NY

Seventeen years ago

I was out in the yard after another pathetic excuse for dinner, checking around to see if anyone had gotten a care package from home so I could muscle in on them and get something decent to eat, when I spotted the new guy over by the outside fence. And I couldn’t look away.

There must’ve been a hell of an expression on my face, because Jake Paladino came over and elbowed me, even though I’d punched him for less in the past. “Did you see a ghost, or what?” he wheedled, and then flinched away, clearly remembering too late that I didn’t appreciate being jabbed.

I let it go this time, though. I was too fascinated to be angry.

“Over there,” I told him with a bare nod toward the fence.

Jake followed my gesture, and the perfect bug-eyed jaw-drop that formed on his face almost made me laugh. He looked like a real-life cartoon. Wile E. Coyote, watching the rocket he’d just fired at the Road Runner bounce off a cliff and head back at him full speed.

“You got a brother I don’t know about?” Jake finally blurted.

I shook my head, my gaze not leaving the newcomer. Apparently it was true what they said: everybody has a lookalike somewhere in the world. And here was mine. The new guy was a mirror, a twin, a clone of me.

My doppelganger.

Jake shook off the shock first and started bouncing on the balls of his feet, a lunatic grin on his unfortunate face. The scrawny, twitchy kid who’d followed me around like a stray dog since the day I got locked up in this crap place claimed to be the son of a mobster, and swore he was going to introduce me to his father and bring me into the “family business” when we got out of here. But I only had a week left on my sentence, and Jake had six months on his. Plus, he was probably lying about his mob connections.

I was considering it, though. If nothing better came along before Jake got out of here, maybe I’d give the little weasel a chance to make good on his claims. Considering my talents, the mob might be a decent fit for my future.

Not that any of us in New Heights could have a real future. They called it a youth center, but it was really just a prison with brighter colors — and everybody knew that ex-cons were screwed. Even if they were just kids when they went in.

Nobody who came out of this place would ever be considered a child again.

“Jesus, look at him. Holy shit.” Jake giggled and almost nudged me again, but then he thought better of it at the last minute. “I bet he’s about to piss his pants over there. Hey, let’s fuck with him.” The jagged grin spread. “You know what? You could do anything, even in front of the security cameras, and just blame it on that guy. We should burn this place down or something. Oh, wait, how about we kill a guard?”

“No,” I said sharply. Sometimes Jake had to be corrected like a dog, and it was all I could do not to rub his nose in his own shit. “Leave him alone, for now.”

The new guy — my doppelganger — did look unsettled. But unlike Jake, I didn’t believe he was scared. Reserved, maybe. Hanging back, getting the lay of the land. His posture was guarded and self-protective, as if he was expecting some kind of abuse, and that could’ve been interpreted as fear. But I sensed something dark in him.

Or maybe I was only projecting my own darkness onto the spitting image of myself.

Jake lost interest in the other kid fast once I rebuked him. His face only fell for a few seconds, and then his smile bounced back. “Vince and them are trying to crowd the hoop again,” he said, pointing over at the rundown basketball half-court in the far corner of the yard, where four or five of the younger boys had begun a half-hearted game of Horse. “Want to scare them off?”

“Nah. I’m hungry,” I told him. “Go find somebody with a care package. I want good shit, nothing generic or homemade.”

Always happy to serve, Jake nodded vigorously and scuttled off. I watched him absently for a few seconds before I returned my attention to the new guy.

This time, my doppelganger was looking back. And there was no fear in him at all.

There was nothing in him.

It really was like looking in a mirror.

About the Author

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S.W. Vaughn lives in “scenic” Central New York, with its two glorious seasons -- winter and road construction -- along with her husband and son. An award-winning author, copywriter, and blogger, she's been writing professionally for over 15 years.

Under Sonya Bateman, she is the author of the DeathSpeaker Codex series (urban fantasy) and the Gavyn Donatti series (urban fantasy / Simon & Schuster).

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Virtual Book Tour: Writer Get Noticed! by Colleen M. Story #nonfiction #interview #blogtour #giveaway @colleen_m_story @RABTBookTours

Publisher: Midchannel Press
Date Published: March 20, 2019

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Stop feeling invisible and start attracting the attention you deserve.

Have you been writing for years, but feel like no one notices? Have you published your stories, only to gain a handful of readers? Do your marketing efforts feel like shouting into a void?

Veteran writer and motivational coach Colleen M. Story helps you break the spell of invisibility to reveal the author platform that will finally draw readers your way.

There are more books out there than ever before, and readers have many other things vying for their attention. A writer can feel like a needle in a haystack, and throwing money at the problem rarely helps. What does work is creating a platform that stands out, but in a sea of a million platforms, how is one to do that?

Writer Get Noticed! takes a new approach, dispelling the notion that fixing your writing flaws and expanding your social media reach will get you the readers you deserve. Instead, discover a myriad of strengths you didn’t know you had, then use them to find your author theme, power up your platform, and create a new author business blueprint, all while gaining insight into what sets you apart as a writer and creative artist.

Writers need readers to achieve their highest potential. Find your way to stand out, and let it lead you to the writing career that fulfills all your expectations and more.

In this motivational and inspiring book, you’ll learn:

  • Why improving your writing skills isn’t enough.
  • Why it’s critical you discover your strengths...and how to do so.
  • What’s stopping you from finding the readers who love your work.
  • What you really want from writing and why that matters.
  • Easy methods to help you build a more successful author platform.
  • What truly motivates you and how to use that to succeed.
  • The author theme that unites your creative work and fits your style.
  • How imposter syndrome can stall your progress, and how to overcome it.
  • How to make better decisions about your writing career as a whole.

When you find the treasure that’s been inside you all along, don’t be surprised if it opens new doors you never thought possible. 


What is the hardest part of writing your books?
Probably the hardest part of writing one of my nonfiction books is just getting started. I think that can be difficult with any large project—in the beginning, it can seem vast and intimidating—but as soon as I start working on chapter one my passion for the subject takes over and then it usually flows more easily from there.

What songs are most played on your Ipod?
Some of my favorite artists are Sting, Steve Perry (Journey), Bruce Hornsby, Steve Wariner, Dan Fogelberg, Rob Thomas (Matchbox 20), and Keith Urban.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
Once I’ve gotten a manuscript as good as I can get it, I send it to a professional editor. After I get her feedback/comments, I go through the entire book again, then send it to a final proofreader before it goes to print. I find this process helps me produce as high quality a book as I can.

What book are you reading now?
I tend to read several books at a time, grabbing a few pages out of each before writing and before bed. In my stack right now:

Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield
Oswald’s Tale: An American Mystery by Normal Mailer
Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier
Slade House by David Mitchell
Hardly Knew Her by Laura Lippman
Mornings on Main by Jodi Thomas 
Bridge of Clay by Marcus Zusak
What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should Do the Opposite by David DiSalvo

How did you start your writing career?
I started writing simply because I felt compelled to. After graduating from college, I wrote short stories in my spare time. Within three years, I had managed to get a couple published. Then I landed a job as a copywriter for a corporation, and my writing career took off. Three years later, I left the corporate world and began freelancing, and I’ve supported myself as a full-time freelance writer ever since while writing my books and blogs on the side.

Tell us about your next release.
I have a couple new books in the works. The first is a novel entitled The Beached Ones, and the second is a nonfiction book to help creative individuals finish the projects they start (title to be determined). Creative souls tend to be blessed with a lot of ideas, but it can be tough to follow through and actually bring those ideas to fruition, so I’m looking forward to helping writers and other artists to overcome those challenges.

About the Author

Colleen M. Story is on a mission to inspire people from all walks of life to overcome modern-day challenges and find creative fulfillment. Her latest release, "Writer Get Noticed!," is a strengths-based guide to help writers break the spell of invisibility and discover unique author platforms that will draw readers their way. Her prior nonfiction release, "Overwhelmed Writer Rescue," was named Solo Medalist in the New Apple Book Awards, Book by Book Publicity’s Best Writing/Publishing Book, and first place in the 2018 Reader Views Literary Awards.

With over 20 years as a professional in the creative industry, Colleen has authored thousands of articles for publications like “Healthline” and “Women's Health;” worked with high-profile clients like Gerber Baby Products and Kellogg's; and ghostwritten books on back pain, nutrition, and cancer recovery. Her literary novel, “Loreena’s Gift,” was a Foreword Reviews' INDIES Book of the Year Awards winner, an Idaho Author Awards first place winner, and New Apple Solo Medalist winner, among others.

Colleen frequently serves as a workshop leader and motivational speaker, where she helps attendees remove mental and emotional blocks and tap into their unique creative powers. Find more at her motivational site, Writing and Wellness, on her writing career website, Writer CEO, and on her author website, or follow her on Twitter.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Virtual Book Tour: Dying to Live by Jono Comiskey @RABTBookTours #fiction #blogtour #interview

Date Published: May 10th, 2019
Publisher: Lucid Books

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An inmate finds himself in an impossible predicament after a life-changing encounter in prison, his survival tied to three seemingly unconnected people on the outside.  Unseen forces work to destroy them before they can discover their destiny.  Divided families, destroyed careers, sexual abuse, drugs, violence, and attempted murder combine to derail their lives and thrust them into peril.  If they can find a way to overcome these obstacles, they can change their world forever; but if they fail, they will set in motion a series of events spelling destruction for future generations.  A cosmic war rages in an attempt to prevent the unleashing of hell’s agenda.  Four lives converge at the center of the battle…THREE MUST DIE SO THAT ONE MAY LIVE.


What is the hardest part of writing your books?
The preparation before I start writing is often the hardest part. Thinking through the storyline and outlining chapters without being free to get lost in the story is a discipline that I don’t really enjoy. The actual writing is hard but much more rewarding.

What songs are most played on your Ipod?
My favorites are 80s classics, but I mostly listen to podcasts and talk radio or contemporary Christian music.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
I enlist the help of a close group of friends who enjoy being beta readers, and at the halfway stage and after completion I engage the help of a critique team.

What book are you reading now?
Nothing fun, as my day job is eating up all my focus and everything I am reading is around leadership and communication.

How did you start your writing career?
In 2012 during a season of introspection and meditation/prayer, I felt an urge to start writing. It seemed like the source of the urge was not internal, but more of a higher power inspiration, as I never really had an inclination to be a writer, let alone write novels—I never even had an idea for a book. After pulling out a page of copy paper, I started jotting down ideas for books and the inspiration just flowed. It felt great! Within the first hour I had several ideas and it seemed like something inside me had come alive.

Tell us about your next release.

I have completed the first draft of part 1 of a trilogy—a pre-apocalyptic science fiction thriller set in modern day. Political and economic events are being nefariously driven by power crazy world influencers in cooperation with interdimensional beings whose history has been interwoven with humanity all the way back to the birth of our species. The civil war from their world has spilled into ours and caused a chain of events which will lead humanity to the brink of extinction if humanity does not wake up and make some drastic course corrections before it is too late…

About the Author

Born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, Jono Comiskey grew up in a country that was struggling for economic stability.  Following his two older brothers, he embarked on a journey to find adventure in the land of hopes and dream-the United States of America.  Twenty years later, he is convinced more than ever that each person carries incredible potential to affect the world around them in either a positive or negative way and that their God-granted privilege is to choose which path they will follow.  Jono is married and has three wonderful children.  Having spent more than two decades in the corporate world, he now pastors Transformation Church in Conroe, Texas, which focuses on making disciples who understand their identities in Christ.

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Facebook:  Jono Comiskey: Author

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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Book Blitz: The Best Laid Plans by Judy Penz Sheluk with a #giveaway #mystery #suspense #anthology @RABTBookTours @JudyPenzSheluk

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21 Stories of Mystery & Suspense
Mystery/Suspense Anthology
Publisher: Superior Shores Press
Date Published: June 18, 2019

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Whether it’s at a subway station in Norway, a ski resort in Vermont, a McMansion in the suburbs, or a trendy art gallery in Toronto, the twenty-one authors represented in this superb collection of mystery and suspense interpret the overarching theme of “the best laid plans” in their own inimitable style. And like many best laid plans, they come with no guarantees.

Stories by Tom Barlow, Susan Daly, Lisa de Nikolits, P.A. De Voe, Peter DiChellis, Lesley A. Diehl, Mary Dutta, C.C. Guthrie, William Kamowski, V.S. Kemanis, Lisa Lieberman, Edward Lodi, Rosemary McCracken, LD Masterson, Edith Maxwell, Judy Penz Sheluk, KM Rockwood, Peggy Rothschild, Johanna Beate Stumpf, Vicki Weisfeld, and Chris Wheatley.

Heirloom by Tom Barlow

Me and my dimwitted brother, a cash withdrawn at gunpoint, make a midnight escape on ATVs through gnarly mountain trails chased by a blizzard. Lucky I’m too smart to fail.

Spirit River Dam by Susan Daly

Imogen doesn’t anticipate surprises at her trendy art gallery, until the day her ex walks in with an intriguing old painting. Is it a Fake? Or a Fortune?

Fire Drill by Lisa de Nikolits

You’ll never know my name, I’m not that important. But I’ll fight for what’s mine. So beware, world, because you’ve got no idea what I’m capable of.

Gambling Against Fate: From Judge Lu’s Ming Dynasty Case Files by P.A. De Voe

As the emperor’s representative in maintaining peace and order, I am challenged daily to ferret out criminals hiding among the innocent.

Callingdon Mountain by Peter DiChellis

I’m a private eye who spends his days investigating a baffling murder case the news media calls an “impossible” crime. The cops sure can’t solve the mystery. Can I?

Lunchbreak by Lesley A. Diehl

Spurred on by his buddy, Ben decides this is the day to shut up his nagging wife for good, but she thwarts his plans with some creative culinary intervention.

Festival Finale by Mary Dutta

My name is Charles Attlee, but of course you know my work. You don’t want to miss my killer book festival appearance.

A Sure Thing by C.C. Guthrie

The hit on an eighty year-old rancher seemed like a sure thing. I left the Buffalo snow behind for sixty-degree days in Oklahoma figuring, what could go wrong?

Last Thoughts by William Kamowski

Timothy, an empathetic techie, takes care of people online—for better or for worse—especially sad young women who need to script their final moments.

Sucker Punch by V.S. Kemanis

I’m Freddy, behind the butcher counter at Food Super. I’ll never look at the meat and bone saw in the same way after my “best friend” Zach roped me into his latest moneymaking scheme.

Better Dead Than Redhead by Lisa Lieberman

I’m Ashley Early. The best thing about being a primatologist? Chimps don’t find themselves accused of murdering their hair model. Unlike Alex, my twin sister.

Oubliette by Edward Lodi

Choose as your target a frail, elderly woman who lives alone, and what could possibly go wrong?

The Sweetheart Scamster by Rosemary McCracken

I’m Pat Tierney, a financial planner. The day my seventy four year-old client Trudy Sullivan said she had a new man in her life, I had questions to ask her.

Deadly Dinner by LD Masterson

I didn’t take this nursing home job to kill someone, I’m just looking for a way to score. But if it means helping some rich old biddy to her just reward…well, that’s okay, too.

The Stonecutter by Edith Maxwell

I’m Eleanor, a middle-aged librarian. A Portuguese stonecutter and I are in love, but it’s bittersweet and attempting to fix things could prove dangerous. I think I’ll try.

Plan D by Judy Penz Sheluk

My name’s Jenny and most of my days center around trying to think of inventive ways I can kill my lazy, job-losing husband, Ted—without getting caught.

Frozen Daiquiris by KM Rockwood  Penelope’s new McMansion doesn’t provide automatic entrĂ©e to the upper crust. Maybe if she hosts a society fundraiser in the new house, and everything goes according to plan…

The Cookie Crumbles by Peggy Rothschild

Angry with my mom and jealous of my talented older sister, I’m planning the perfect prank and hoping revenge is sweet.

Thank You For Your Cooperation by Johanna Beate Stumpf

Marsha watches people. As surveillance operator for the subway, this is her job. Lately, a new commuter has appeared on Marsha’s screens. And he’s going to change her life.

Who They Are Now by Vicki Weisfeld

Yolanda and Bill are Delray Beach, Florida, cops investigating the murder of a beloved sportscaster during the chaos of a Category 5 hurricane.

The True Cost of Liberty by Chris Wheatley

I am Gerald Worthington. Life consists of dealing antiques, dining at second-class restaurants, enduring tedious social engagements and wishing my wife’s new husband would drop dead.

About the Author

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Editor Judy Penz Sheluk is the author of the Glass Dolphin Mystery and Marketville Mystery series. Her short stories can be found in several collections. Judy is also a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, the Short Mystery Fiction Society, and Crime Writers of Canada, where she serves as Vice Chair on the Board of Directors. Find her at

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