
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Release Blitz: Black ≠ Inferior by Tolu' A. Akinyemi #promo #releaseday #giveaway #poetry #rabtbooktours @toluakinyemi @RABTBookTours




Date Published: January 1 2021

Publisher: The Roaring Lion Newcastle LTD

Black ≠ Inferior is a collection of poems divided into 2 parts. The first part is a collection of thematically linked poems exploring Blackness and the myriads of issues it attracts. The second part oscillates themes— talking about consent, a query of death, a celebration of love among others. In his usual stylistic, this collection deals with weighty matters like race and colourism with simple and clear language.

In Black ≠ Inferior, we see Tolu’ Akinyemi reacting in response to the world, to issues that affect Black people. Here, we see a poet shedding off his burdens through his poems; hence, the beauty of this collection is in the issues it attempts to address. In this collection, Tolu’ wears a coat of many colours – he is a preacher, a prophet, a doctor and a teacher.

We see Tolu’ the preacher in these lines:

I wish you can rise through the squalor of poverty

and voices that watercolour you as under-represented.

I wish you can emblaze your name in gold,

and swim against every wave of hate.’

This is a collection of poems fit for the present narrative as any (Black) person who reads this collection should beam with confidence at the end. This is what the poet sets out to achieve with his oeuvre.

About the Author

Tolu’ A. Akinyemi hails from Nigeria and lives in the UK where he has been endorsed by the Arts Council England as a writer with “exceptional talent”.

Tolu is the author of seven outstanding books which includes, Dead Lions Don’t Roar (Poetry, 2017) Unravel your Hidden Gems (Essays, 2018) Dead Dogs Don’t Bark (Poetry, 2018) Dead Cats Don’t Meow (Poetry, 2019) Never Play Games With The Devil (Poetry, 2019) Inferno of Silence (Short Stories, 2020) A Booktiful Love (Poetry, 2020). Two poetry collections, “Black ≠ Inferior” and “Never Marry a Writer” are scheduled for publication in early 2021.

A former headline act at Great Northern Slam, Crossing The Tyne Festival, Feltonbury Arts and Music Festival, and featured in various Poetry Festivals, Open Slam, Poetry Slam, Spoken Word and Open Mic events in and outside the United Kingdom.

His poems have appeared in the 57th issue (Volume 15, no 1) of the Wilderness House Literary Review, The Writers Cafe Magazine- Issue 18, GN Books, Lion and Lilac and elsewhere.

His books are based on a deep reality and often reflect relationships, life and features people he has met in his journey as a writer. His books have instilled many people to improve their performance and/or their circumstances. Tolu’ has taken his poetry to the stage, performing his written word at many events. Through his writing and these performances, he supports business leaders, other aspiring authors and people of all ages interested in reading and writing. Sales of the books have allowed Tolu’ donate to charity, allowing him to make a difference where he feels important, showing that he lives by the words he puts to page.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Book Blitz: Pierre the Peacock by Jocelyn M. Lacey #promo #childrensbook #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @jancarolbooks



Children’s Book

Date Published: Dec. 11, 2017

Publisher: Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc.

Pierre the Peacock is delightfully illustrated with a valuable message. It is about acceptance, friendship and a valuable lesson in how we should treat people. Come with us as we meet Pierre, a peacock who thinks that he will get friends just from his pretty looks. When he meets Jerry, a colorblind little boy, he teaches Pierre that what matters is how you treat people, not what you look like. A lesson for all of us!

About the Author

Jocelyn Mooneyhan Lacey is a native of Johnson City, TN, where she graduated from Science Hill High School and East Tennessee State University with a B.A. in Mass Communications. She met her husband, Steven Lacey, at ETSU, and they have since lived in Maine, Rhode Island, the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and now have settled in New Jersey for the time being. She also shares her home with two dogs, a cat, and three fish.

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Virtual Book Tour: Friends by Amy Lou Jenkins #blogtour #interview #giveaway #nonfiction #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Voices Series, Book 2

Personal essay (narrative nonfiction, brief memoir)

Date Published: Oct 19, 2020

Publisher: Jack Walker Press

Friendships serve as a cornerstone to a rich life. Each of these twenty-four accomplished authors shares authentic stories that consider the meaning of life affirming, sometimes life saving or gut wrenching, and fun realities of investing in each other: Think chicken soup with adult beverages.

Editorial Reviews:

"A thoroughly enjoyable and heartfelt read! This is an invaluable book for anyone seeking insight and comprehension of the convoluted and often misunderstood road we travel known as friendship. A definite 5-star rating!" --International Review of Books

"Friends: Voices on the Gift of Companionship will take you through the full spectrum of what it means to call someone "friend." It's the book you reach for when you need to feel connected to humanity." --Skye McDonald author of the Anti-Belle series

"The authors in this anthology come from a wide range of backgrounds, and share their stories of friendship with convincing, if often difficult, passages. ...We may still regard the gifts of shared histories as nourishment to sustain us." --Carol Barrett, Ph.D. Coordinator, Creative Writing Certificate Program, Union Institute & University; author of Calling in the Bones and Pansies.

"As the stories evolve, readers will relish the personal tones, touches, and explorations that consider the nature of friendship, its gifts and resiliency, and its lasting impact on all. outstanding key to understanding how relationships evolve, change, pass, and often come full circle to become even more valued as the years go by." -- D. Donovan, Sr. Reviewer, Midwest Book Review


Can you tell us a little about the process of getting this book published? How did you come up with the idea and how did you start?

Thank you for having this conversation about ‘Friends: Voices on the Gift of Companionship.”  This is the second in the Voices anthology series.  We selected the theme of Friendship because this relationship is essential yet underexplored.  Accomplished authors submitted essays from across the country.  The range of friendships astounded us.  Friendships are life-affirming and can be complicated.  Many were important for a season, some fizzled, some lasted decades: all helped to build that which we love about our lives. 



What surprised you most about getting your book published?  I wrote about a friend who is still very important to me although we have both changed.  She lives a much wilder lifestyle, yet our differences have not distanced us.  The surprise was that when she read the story about her, she called me crying.  She thought the story was beautiful and had always wondered how I judged her life choices. Our relationships are so important.  “Friends“ is becoming a popular gift as a way to tell a friend that they are cherished.




Tell us a little about what you do when you aren’t writing

I’m a nature nut.  Mushrooms, Cedar waxwings, wood violets, fuzzy bear caterpillars and more all captivate me.  Every nature walk I take brings me new observations, details to explore, and reasons to love our Mother Earth.  Much of my reading and writing involves the natural world.


As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

For me, the writing life makes my existence more vivid.  A moment that may have passed from my memory will enrich my life if I’ve written about it, explored it, and assigned it meaning through a journal entry or personal essay.  I wrote a series of walking essays about times in nature with my son.  The moments in Every Natural Fact: Five Seasons of Open-Air Parenting are more vivid and meaningful to me not only because they exist in print, but because I spent time processing those days.  The writer Joan Didion said that she wrote to find out what she thinks about a topic.  I’d have to agree that our values, our priorities, and our loves, can be magnified within the writing life. So writing a book about time with my son did slowly pivot me into someone who confidently  calls themselves a writer.



Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?  I have to admit that I get ideas all the time: too many ideas.  I’ve got a wild brain.  My challenge is to focus on my priorities and goals while honoring the gift of inspiration.  The Poet Liam Rector adopted the literary metaphor of a vortex for the graduate program at Bennington where I received my MFA in Writing and Literature.  Put many different experiences, practice writings, discussion, readings and more into a life of letters and the ideas and work will flow from that.  Liam’s metaphor lets me be at peace with my wild brain.



What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?   We do have to buck up when it comes to criticism.  People have a right to love or not relate to my work. One thing that does bug me is when people say they don’t usually like books like this and approach it negatively.  So, If you don’t like personal essays, It’s tough to hear your criticism of a collection of personal essays.  And I wonder why someone wouldn’t like personal essays, not every personal essay, but from David Sedaris to Bell Hooks and beyond, personal essays entertain and inform as much as any work of fiction or poetry. Do I sound defensive?  I am defending the personal essay and narrative nonfiction. Try some today!



What has been your best accomplishment as a writer?   My best accomplishment happens every day I work through my own resistance to create written art that didn’t exist before.  I once thought that writing got easier, but every day is the resistance, the fear, and usually the breakthrough to words on the page.



How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?  What a great question.  I have files full of ideas.  One book, in particular, I researched for years, abandoned, restarted, abandoned; it  haunts me.  I’ve probably got another dozen books 10% in, they wait like neglected children.  I fight the guilt.


Thanks so much.  If your readers would like to sign up for a chance to win a free copy of Friends: Voices on The Gift of Companionship, they may do so at until the end of 2020.




About the Author

Amy Lou Jenkins holds an MFA from The Writing Seminars of Bennington, has taught writing at Carroll University, Milwaukee Area Tech College, and conferences and workshops, including NonfictioNow/Iowa Writers Workshop and Write by the Lake/University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her essays and stories have appeared in literary journals and anthologies, including The Florida Review, Flint Hill review, Leopold Outlook, Sport Literate, Earth Island Journal, Consequence Magazine, The Maternal is Political, Journeys of Friendship, and Women on Writing. She’s the author of several books including Every Natural Fact; Five Seasons of Open-Air Parenting. Her writing has been honored by US Book Award, Living Now Book Award, Ellis Henderson Outdoor Writing Award, and XJ Kennedy Award for Nonfiction and more. She pens a quarterly book review column for the Sierra Club. She writes for children under the name Lou Jenkins. She and her husband split their time between Wisconsin and Arkansas. Unless it’s so cold it hurts, she’d rather be outside. Follow her at

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Virtual Book Tour: Love of the Sea by A.R. Masterson #promo #youngadult #yafantasy #giveaway #interview #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @LittleAlice06



Young Adult Fiction, Young Adult Romance, Young Adult Mermaid Fiction

Date Published: 4/27/18

Publisher: Ink Smith Publishing

As crown prince, Cormack is required to take a bride and his place as king. His father’s choice is Princess Nephara of their neighboring ally, the Kingdom of Caraway. But the appearance of Asrai, a fiery mermaid determined to get what she wants, and an heir to her own throne, has Cormack wondering where his heart’s loyalty lies.

Exiled from her underwater kingdom, Asrai is determined to do whatever is necessary to return to her throne, but Cormack, once a means to an end, has enchanted her. Can Asrai get the best of both worlds, or will she sacrifice her heart for her kingdom?


What is the hardest part of writing your books?


I would say the most challenging part of my process is the “middle”.  Creating the story is easy - growing the characters, world building, writing fun and exciting scenes.  And I find the fine editing process before the book is set for release to be meditative and satisfying.  However, the part I call the “Big Edits” is my least favourite part of the process.  It’s the part that often times makes me temporarily hate my book.  I painstakingly analyze character development and the plot arc in order to ensure everything is tidy.  I often question character motivations, the necessity of certain scenes in the book, and ultimately have to “kill my darlings”.  It’s a necessary part of the process, but one that I do not enjoy.


What songs are most played on your Ipod?


I’m not sure if you mean listening to while I write, or in general.  In general, I have pretty eclectic music taste.  I like Marylin Manson, Kpop, Jpop, techno, electronica, lowfi, some pop artists, and a lot of rock and metal.  However, while I’m writing, I cannot listen to music that has lyrics.  It’s too distracting.  I often listen to instrumental music in the background that gives off the same feeling of what I’m writing.  I’m especially drawn to the meditation music playlists on YouTube.



Do you have critique partners or beta readers?


My books published through Cloud Orchid Publishing are read by my co-editor Bryan Thompson.  He gives me feedback on my stories.  Otherwise, I typically just rely on myself.  This is not because I shy away from critiques, as much as it can be difficult to acquire people willing to help read over my writing and provide quality feedback.  As well as I’m living at the poverty level, so I don’t have the funds to pay anyone.  I did have a couple of beta readers for my novel Geisha Hands, but that was a special circumstance because it’s a historical fiction novel, I wanted to ensure that the information presented was as accurate and culturally-aware as possible.



What book are you reading now?


I’m currently working my way through The Arsenic Century by James C. Whorton.  It’s a dense read, lots of historical and scientific information about how arsenic impacted many aspects of daily life in 17th-19th century England.  But this type of book is fascinating to me, and will provide tons of information and inspiration for my future works.



How did you start your writing career?


I started working as a professional writer in 2012 when Bryan Thompson and I created our alternative fashion magazine Cloud Orchid Magazine.  We ran 27 issues of the magazine, and created a sister dark art magazine L’Art D’Obscurite with 3 current issues.  I wrote all the editorials and interviews for the magazines.  I also worked for a couple years as a ghost writer and a professional blog writer for various professional blogs.  Once my first novel Love of the Sea was published by Ink Smith Publishing, I have been focusing my writing work primarily on my own projects.



Tell us about your next release.


My upcoming releases are both poetry collections by Cloud Orchid Publishing.  Synesthesia – Pandemic will feature poetry co-written by me and Bryan Thompson.  Synesthesia – Fables will feature poetry and illustrations all created by me.  Pandemic is set for release December 2020, and I am currently completing the last illustration for Fables.  These will be my 6th and 7th poetry collections, afterwhich, I will be focusing on the work for my 6th novel, Succumb to Darkness.

About the Author

Lauren A.R. Masterson graduated from Columbia College of Chicago with a degree in Fiction Writing. During her college days, she began working as a freelance model eventually making it her full-time profession after graduating. She toured nationally, met scores of creative people, and had many adventures. After retiring from modeling, and experiencing a divorce, Lauren felt the drain of her creativity. But after finding a loving and supporting community she began exploring her writing talent and art again. Lauren is now a regular in the local Chicago writing communities and is dedicated to enhancing her craft.

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Monday, December 28, 2020

Release Blitz: The Ultimate Betrayal by Kat Martin #promo #releaseday #giveaway #romanticsuspense #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @katmartinauthor



Maximum Security series book #3

Romantic Suspense, Action & Adventure

Date Published: paperback release date 12/29/20

Publisher: HQN

When investigative journalist Jessie Kegan’s father, a colonel in the army, is accused of treason, Jessie is determined to clear his name. Reluctantly, she turns to former Special Ops soldier, Brandon Garrett, her late brother’s best friend--a true heartbreaker, according to her brother.

With danger coming from every angle, time is running out and the game being played is deadly. Working together, Bran and Jessie must risk everything to solve the riddle and confront the threat--before it’s too late.


Too much downtime always made him nervous, kind of edgy as he waited for the other shoe to drop. It had been a week since his last client had headed back to Nashville, a week of peace and quiet he should have enjoyed.

Instead, he had this nagging feeling that something bad was coming down the line.

Lounging back in the chair behind his desk at Maximum Security, Brandon Garrett looked up at the sound of the front door swinging open. A gust of cool, late October winds swept in, along with a petite, whirlwind of a woman with the prettiest strawberry blond hair Bran had ever seen.

She had a sweet little body to match her fiery curls, he noticed, outlined by the dark blue stretch jeans curving over her sexy little ass and the peach knit top that hugged her breasts.

It wasn’t tough to read the anxiety in her big green eyes as she surveyed the room, but instead of heading for the receptionist’s desk, those big green eyes landed on Bran and as she started toward him, there was something about her that rang a distant bell. Interest piqued, he rose from his chair. “Can I help you?”

You’re Brandon Garrett, right? You were a friend of my brother’s. Danny Kegan? I recognize you from the photos Danny sent home.”

The mention of his best friend’s name hit him like a blow, and the muscles across his stomach clenched. Daniel Kegan had been a member of his spec ops team, a brother, not just a friend. Danny had saved Bran’s life at the cost of his own. He was KIA in Afghanistan.

Bran stared down at the girl, who was maybe five-foot-four. “You’re Jessie,” he said, remembering the younger sister Daniel Kegan had talked so much about. “You look like him. Same color hair and eyes.”

She nervously wet her lips, which were plump and pink and fit her delicate features perfectly.

My brother said if I ever needed help, I should come to you. He said you’d help me no matter what.” She glanced back toward the door and his mind shifted away from the physical jolt he felt as he looked at her to the worry in her eyes.

I’ll help you. Danny was my closest friend. Whatever you need, I’ll help. Come on. Let’s go into the conference room and you can tell me what’s going on.” When her gaze shot back to the door, his senses went on alert.

I didn’t mean I needed your help later,” Jessie said nervously. “I meant I need your help right now.”

Gunshots exploded through the windows. “Get down!” Bran shouted to the other guys in the office as he shoved Jessie down behind his desk and covered her with his body. Glass shattered and a stream of bullets sprayed across the room.

Jaxon Ryker popped up, gun drawn, and ran for the door. Hawk Maddox and Lissa Blayne were shuffling through their desks, arming themselves. Jonas Wolfe drew his ankle gun and ran for the rear entrance, ready for any threat that might come from there.

Black SUV with tinted windows,” Ryker reported. Six feet of solid muscle, dark hair and eyes, Jax was a former Navy SEAL, currently a PI and occasional bounty hunter. “Couldn’t get a plate number.” Jax’s gaze swung to the front of the room. “Mindy, you okay?”

The little receptionist eased up from beneath her desk. “I-I’m okay. Should I call the police?” Around here, it was never good to jump to conclusions.

Bran hauled Jessie to her feet. He could feel her trembling. Her eyes looked even bigger and greener than they had before. “Are they coming back?” he asked.

I-I don’t know. It could have just been a warning.”

Bran turned to Mindy. “Unless someone’s already phoned it in, let’s wait to call the cops till we know what’s going on.” His attention returned to Jessie. “We need to talk.”

She just nodded. Her face had gone pale, making a fine line of freckles stand out across her forehead and the bridge of her nose.

Bran took her arm and urged her toward the conference room. “Keep a sharp eye,” he said to The Max crew. “Just in case.”

Jessie sank unsteadily down in one of the rolling chairs around the long oak conference table. The man she had come to see, Brandon Garrett, sat down beside her.

Okay, let’s hear it,” he said. “What’s going on?”

She thought of the men who had just shot up his office and her pulse started thumping again. “Danny said if I ever needed help--“

Yeah, I get that. Your brother knew he could count on me. Like I said, I’ll help you any way I can, but I need to know what’s going on.”

Bran was taller than Danny, around six-three, with a soldier’s lean, hard body, vee-shaped, with broad shoulders and narrow hips. Powerful biceps bulged beneath the sleeve of his dark blue T-shirt. With his slightly too-long mink brown hair, straight nose and masculine features, he was ridiculously handsome, except for the hard line of his jaw and the darkness in his eyes that contrasted sharply with their beautiful shade of cobalt blue.

Start at the beginning,” he demanded.

Since she wasn’t sure exactly where to begin, Jessie dragged in a shaky breath and slowly released it.

I’m here because of my father--Colonel James Kegan, Commander U.S. Army Alamo Chemical Depot. Just before he died a little over two months ago, my father was removed from active duty. He was charged with larceny--specifically the theft of chemical weapons stored at the Depot. Because the Army believed he was selling the weapons to a foreign entity, he was also charged with espionage and treason. I need you to help me prove his innocence.”

About the Author

New York Times bestselling author Kat Martin is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara where she majored in Anthropology and also studied History. Currently residing in Missoula, Montana with her Western-author husband, L. J. Martin, Kat has written sixty-five Historical and Contemporary Romantic Suspense novels. More than sixteen million copies of her books are in print and she has been published in twenty foreign countries. Kat is currently at work on her next Romantic Suspense.

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Book Blitz: Misreading Judas by Robert Wahler #promo #religion #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @BookBuzznet



How Biblical Scholars Missed the Biggest Story of All Time


Publisher: AuthorHouse

The Christian New Testament story of Judas is not history. We now have period evidence from Egypt that shows Judas is a cover character for James the Just, successor to Jesus Christ, if there in fact was a Jesus Christ, which is highly debatable. The four Gospel story of the Betrayal of Christ is a tendentious remake of a mastership succession story in the gnostic Apocalypses of James and Gospel of Judas, found at Nag Hammadi and Al Minya, Egypt. Every single detail of the biblical story of Judas is found in its original telling in the gnostic succession story, just inverted -- to hide the successor, James.

Misreading Judas received the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in 2018.

About the Author

Robert Wahler is a lifelong practitioner of mystic (gnostic) meditation, and a one-time Evangelical Christian believer.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Book Blitz: Mindful Beauty by Dr. Debbie Palmer #promo #nonfiction #selfhelp #rabtbooktours @replere @BookBuzznet @RABTBookTours



Holistic Habits to Feel and Look Your Best Body, Mind, Spirit / Inspiration, Personal Growth, Self-Help

Published: April 2020

Publisher: Llewellyn Publications

Today, more than ever, mindfulness—the act of being more present and focused in everything we do—is so important to our health and well-being.

Mindfulness is a simple change we can all make for better health, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. In Mindful Beauty, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Debbie Palmer unveils her secrets to helping patients develop more mindfulness and, in the process, cultivate inner peace and outer radiance.

Mindful Beauty is a practical, hands-on guide to looking and feeling more beautiful in the modern-day world. It gives simple self-care tips and tools for slowing down and prioritizing your own well-being. Mindful Beauty is the next, most important step on your journey to a happier, more vibrant life.

About the Author

Debbie Palmer, DO, is a New York based, board-certified dermatologist with more than 19 years of experience. She is the Medical Director and Co-Founder of Dermatology Associates of New York and the Founder of Replere skincare.

Dr. Palmer is one of only several hundred dermatologists in the country also trained in osteopathic medicine—a holistic philosophy and approach that relates each part of the body to the entire system. She believes that health, wellness, spirituality, and beauty are linked and that having harmony with your body, mind, and soul is the key to looking and feeling younger.

Dr. Palmer graduated with a BBA from the University of Michigan and earned her medical degree summa cum laude from Kansas City University. She completed her residency in dermatology at St. Barnabas Hospital in Bronx, New York.

Dr. Palmer is author of two books in addition to Mindful Beauty: Beyond Beauty and The Dermatologists’ Prescription For a New You! She is the recipient of various book awards including the NYC Big Book Award, the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, the Independent Press Award, and the Coalition of Visionary Resources Gold and Silver Winner. Dr. Palmer has also been featured in numerous national publications and radio shows and on television.

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Monday, December 21, 2020

Week Blitz: My Friend Jackson by Christopher D. Ochs #promo #youngadult #yafantasy #urbanfantasy #excerpt #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @ChristophrDOchs



YA Urban Fantasy

Date Published: 10/1/2020

Publisher: anigrafx,LLC

An ancient guardian chose her. Neither the guilty, nor the innocent, nor she are safe.

Fresh out of the Projects, Jasmine’s days are filled with emotional, physical, and cyber abuse at the hands of her new school’s queen bees. With her parents mostly absent, Jasmine latches onto Bibi, a grandmotherly figure from Tanzania, and her beloved pet chameleon, Jackson. Rivalries, jealousies and hatred escalate the violence toward Jasmine to a murderous level, until a monstrous force intervenes with deadly consequences. When she discovers the secret behind her unholy avenger, Jasmine takes the offensive, becoming a merciless force more terrifying than her worst tormentors. But choices have consequences. Some more horrific than others.

Can Jasmine untangle her life and reclaim her identity, her life—her soul—from her inscrutable guardian, while eluding the police and those who seek revenge?


Halfway down the latest alley, her ears pricked up at the sound of a footstep. Before she could turn around, her world went blinding white with pain.

Jasmine doubled over in the back doorway of a Chinese food joint, gasping for air between two dumpsters reeking of rotting meat and burnt soy sauce. Her ribs were aflame and the back of her skull felt like it had been split by a jackhammer. She reached for her searing scalp, and her backpack tumbled off her shoulder, clanging against the dumpster.

Bitch, I told you to stay away from Caleb. He’s mine!”

Jasmine gathered her rubbery legs underneath her to stand, steadying herself against the nearest dumpster. Her vision returned, rippled with wet blurs that might have been tears, snot, or blood.

In the long shadows cast by distant streetlights, Nevaeh’s face burned out of the darkness, livid with rage.

Jasmine’s abs clenched, trying to squeeze behind her spine, when she recognized the signs of a girl prepped for a throwdown. Earrings gone. Hair tied tight behind her head. Face slicked with a sheen of Vaseline to deflect blows and scratches.

What the hell do I do now?

The oversized heavy steel ring emblazoned with a prominent gold initial “C” no longer hung from her necklace. It was on the middle finger of Nevaeh’s fist. A tuft of Jasmine’s frizzy hair dangled from it.

That ring—it ain’t her bling, it’s Caleb’s.

The tendons of Nevaeh’s knuckles quivered, taut as bridge cables. She shoved Jasmine backward against the wall with her free hand.

Jasmine whimpered as her head thumped against brick. The world’s loudest gong clanged in her ears. Her legs buckled, helpless against the ground that seemed to spin under her. She kept her eyes glued on Nevaeh’s burning scowl, the only thing that kept her consciousness from tumbling upside-down.

Jasmine’s accusing stare only infuriated Nevaeh even more.

Can’t you take a fuckin’ hint? Don’t you know you ain’t wanted, ho? Our team don’t want you. Caleb don’t need you. And I sure as shit want you gone!”

Nevaeh raised her fist again. “Die, bitch!” Putting her full weight behind it, she swung, aiming Caleb’s ring straight for Jasmine’s face.

A glistening blur of dark umber shot out from behind the other dumpster. It wrapped around Nevaeh’s head, and a muffled scream flooded Jasmine’s ears. Nevaeh clutched at the glistening slimy blob, but her attempts to claw the suffocating mass away from her face proved futile.

A split second later, Nevaeh’s whole body snapped away like a rag doll.

Caleb’s heavy steel and gold ring clattered on the asphalt.

Nevaeh’s strangled gurgling made Jasmine’s gut twist. Somewhere beyond the dumpster came a slurping rasp, as if from a giant bowl of ramen. The sound of tearing cloth and rending flesh was followed by the sickening crack of bone.

Jasmine curled into a ball, raw terror forcing her knees into her chest. Her feet twitched with every shallow ragged breath. She clamped her head between her hands, but the horrific sounds still reached the spinning pit of her darkest fears.

The dull murmur of the streets had reclaimed the alley, and her sense of up and down returned. Righting herself against one dumpster, she wiped the stinging sweat and tears from her eyes and squinted into the murky light.

What the fuck just happened?

About the Author

Christopher D. Ochs' foray into writing began with his epic fantasy Pindlebryth of Lenland: The Five Artifacts. Several of his short stories have been published in the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group and Bethlehem Writers Group anthologies and websites. Using his skills learned with the Lehigh Valley Storytelling Guild, he crafted a collection of mirthful macabre short stories, If I Can't Sleep, You Can't Sleep. His latest work, the gritty YA urban fantasy/horror, My Friend Jackson, has earned 5-star ratings from Indies Today and Readers’ Favorite.

His current literary projects include:

short fiction in BWG's and GLVWG's upcoming anthologies, and Firebringer Press' next entry in their Eternity series;

a sci-fi/horror novel Sentinel of Eternity;

a prequel novella and a second novel in the Pindlebryth of Lenland saga.

Chris has too many interests outside of writing for his own damn good. With previous careers in physics, mathematics, electrical engineering and software, and his incessant dabblings as a CGI animator, classical organist, voice talent on radio, DVD and anime conventions, it's a wonder he can remember to pay the dog and feed his bills.

Wait, what?

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