
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Blog Tour: Jagged Little Edges by Lorelie Rozzano

Edgy Addiction Fiction
Date Published: 1/15/13

British Columbia author Lorelie Rozzano has taken her own life experience shackled by the chains of addiction and is turning it into a series of fictional novels that weave first-hand experience into compelling stories. The book takes you on a ten year journey, through the depths of despair, as Lyndsey, a darkly fascinating protagonist, looks for her happily ever after. This story will move and inspire you. It will leave you on the edge of your seat wanting more. The first in the series – Jagged Little Edges is now available.

My Review:
Wow, just wow! I am shocked at the emotion Lorelie Rozzanno has been able to invoke in me through this character. Addiction is something that I personally have never dealt with, to the fact that I have never even tried anything, even smoking and I don't drink at all. So I have always wondered how someone got to that point where they become addicted. This was just such an eyeopening read for me. I love the way that having no idea what comes with addiction, I could feel what Lyndsey felt and what she was going through. This is truly a wonderful story and I can not wait for the next one! 



  1. Thank you Ever Leigh, for hosting Jagged Little Edges on your blog today. This book isn't just a good read, it's also an important topic. Addiction effects one in ten. We all know, or love someone suffering from it. Although this book is fiction, the first in a series of three, I wanted to offer readers an inside glimspe into the mind of an addicted individual. Lyndsey could be your sister, your daughter, your wife or friend. She could be you. Addiction is a progressive and terminal illness. The good news? People can and do recover. I see it every day. For more information, please visit my blog at

  2. We all know, or love someone, suffering from the disease of addiction. Addiction effects one out of ten. I'm the one. Addiction is a progressive and terminal illness. It is also the most treatable. The tradegy is most will never come forward because of shame. Jagged Little Edges is a raw and graphic read of one young womans spiral into self-destruction, addiction and despair. Lyndsey, the main character, is a darkly fascinating protagonist. She could be your sister, your friend, your daughter, your wife. She could be you. This book will leave you on the edge of your seat. It will inspire you and show you the way out. Not only is this book a good read, it's a book with a job. Hope really is closer than you think. All the best, Lorelie Rozzano.

    irene of Fishing Oregon
