
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blog Tour: Can Spiritual Women Say F#ck? by Jess Barrett

Date Published: 8/12/2013

- A revolutionary new set of rules for your best life.
- A touching memoir of one seeker's path.
- A stirring call to action for a brand new world.
- A how-to for bringing what is possible to life.
- Straight talk for seekers & skeptics alike.

My Review:

This is a motivating Self-Help Novel that uses the authors personal experiences to teach about the lessons she herself has learned. I really enjoyed the use of her wit throughout the novel. It helped cut some of the more deeper issues.

This Novel can help teach us all to look at the choices and decisions we've made in life and learn from the mistakes we have made. 

Definitely worth the read. 


Jess Barrett was raised in a small town at the Jersey shore, where she was given a strong sense of self, a crystal clear view of everything she looked at, and an honest, authentic way of being in the world. This book is the reflection of her deep desire to build a bridge for people who are seeking and suffering.  She knows real change can be as easy as taking the next off-ramp in your journey, understanding that the only way to can create sustainable change, both in ourselves and in the world, is to allow your beliefs to affect how you live.

An ordained minister and empath, she seeks to serve by trying to reach individual souls and stir them to participate in the revolution of consciousness she believes is both necessary and inevitable. She creates life-changing experiences, offers coaching and counseling, and is available for speaking engagements on a number of topics.  Further information about her work and projects can be found at her website.

When she's not trying to change the world, she's also a crazy cat lady running an unofficial rescue out of her house (right now, we have five cats and three dogs)!

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