
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blog Tour: This Morning I Woke Up Dead by Mindy Larson

Date Published: 11/12/2013 - Re-Launch
Paranormal Romance

What would you do? What rules would you break to be with your soul mate? This morning Hadley Christensen and Dominic Morris woke up living their dream lives. They are engaged and each has promising careers in the  medical field. They are happier and more fulfilled than they have ever been, and they are ready to begin their happily ever after.

Sadly, on her way to work, Hadley is in an accident. Before taking her last breath, she realizes she is already dead - and everyone on Earth is too. Now Hadley and Dominic must each find a way to live without one another. How do they continue when they are two parts of one flame?

Hadley is given permission by the Masters to contact Dominic in the hopes he will also realize he is already dead. If Dominic can open his mind to hear Hadley they can be together forever. Is Dominic ready to give up life the way he knows it?

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During the months of November & December - 1% of the gross sales of all novels with Lavish Publishing, LLC will be donated to the Lupus Foundation of America.  The donation will be made in May 2014 in honor of AA Pencil and National Lupus Awareness Month.

What is the hardest part of writing your books?

Lately it's been finding the time to sit and write! But luckily I've learned I write best with a short amount of time. Something magical happens when I know I only have a few minutes here and there to spare! Every word must count. It must be amazing. And you know what? Most of the time it works! Also I know the dishes can wait. The laundry will be there when I'm done. And who wants pizza for dinner??
What songs are most played on your Ipod?
Anything by The Black Keys, The White Stripes, Agnes Obel, NIN, or  Neko Case 

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
Before getting picked up Lavish Publishing, I gave out about thirty three or so copies to groups of willing participants on various read and review groups on Goodreads. They were a huge help! My hubby read This Morning I Woke Up Dead three times and took notes! And my cousin read and made suggestions.. So long story short, yes, I have beta readers!

What book are you reading now? 
I just picked up The Reunion by A. A Pencil. It's really great. you should totally check it out!

How did you start your writing career?
 I remember writing my first story at age seven. It was about a princess looking for her prince! It was a pop up book, and I illustrated it and everything!  Writing has always been a big part of who I am. But it wasn't until six years ago that I was brave enough to go after it has a career and allow others to enjoy my gift of storytelling. 

Tell us about your next release.
I'm working on the sequel to This Morning I Woke Up Dead. I don't wanna give too much away, but its entitled, Wake Up We're No Longer Dead. My goal is to have it done no later than May of 2013. It's going really well! 

Mindy Larsen has always had a vivid imagination that has only improved with her love of reading and writing.  She spent much of her childhood entertaining her three younger brothers with her stories and today she is bringing her imagination to life in books.

When not writing, Mindy enjoys spending time with the love of her life and four children while playing disc golf, cooking, baking, traveling and exploring.

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