
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Blog Tour: One More Sunset by @JolyseBarnett with a #interview and #giveaway

Romantic Suspense
Date Published: September 21, 2015

Some people run for exercise while others run for fun. Abby Stone spends most days running for her life.

After Abby Stone’s ex-boyfriend shows up at her new hideout and she uses a bottle of wine as an impromptu weapon, calling the police is out of the question. His family has a knack for erasing charges and pesky restraining orders. Desperate, she prays for help. A magical suitcase appears and she’s compelled to play an unsettling game involving a sexy, kind stranger while staying one breath ahead of her stalker.
Dylan Reece has overcome tragedy and enjoys life as a single Key West handyman and fisherman. Yet Abby’s sad, wary eyes hold secrets and a chance for his redemption, if not more…
Will the magic of their love be enough to save them?

Purchase Link


You will definitely want to have plenty of allotted reading time before starting this one. It was hard to put down. I was so engrossed in the story that I put off many of my important things to do. Jolyse Barnett does a great job of creating a Romantic Suspense that keeps the reader invested and guessing. 

I think the Romance was believable and unfolded smoothly which is always important. I don't like when Romances seem forced, this one seemed natural. Great not only Romantic Suspense but Suspense in general. 

Author Jolyse Barnett writes contemporary romance and romantic suspense. As a little girl growing up in upstate New York on the shores of Lake Champlain, she enjoyed chasing fireflies, riding her ten-speed bike on winding country roads, and playing horseshoes at family picnics through endless summers. Winter was another kind of adventure for an active kid, with skiing in the Adirondack Mountains, trips to the local public library to feed a voracious reading habit, and ice skating with her siblings on a frozen pond near her childhood home. Much to the confusion of her peers, she discovered the thrill of storytelling at a young age, often forgetting to differentiate between fact and fantasy. Thankfully her fifth grade teacher encouraged her to memorize poems and create her own—unleashing her inner writer. After graduating from high school, she developed a more practical side. She earned a degree in Writing, fell in love with her best friend, and now lives her happily-ever-after in Long Island suburbia. Who knew the dream home would include a leaky kitchen faucet, piles of laundry, and a too-hairy cat? But with love, it's all good. She enjoys a fulfilling day job where she shares her love of language and explores the world one vacation at a time with her two children and real-life hero. Jolyse loves to connect with her readers. You can find her social media links and book news at

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for reading and sharing your opinion of my newest release. Learning you couldn't put it down until you'd finished is music to this author's ears. :)
