
Friday, April 23, 2021

Virtual Book Tour: The Bifurcation of Dungsten Crease by Richard Hacker #blogtour #interview #giveaway #scifi #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours



Science Fiction

Date Published: March 15, 2021

Publisher: Del Sol Press

In the course of a morning, Dungsten Crease resurrects his neighbor’s dog, is arrested by TSA for carrying a weapon which never existed, and drowns a woman at an airline ticket counter—or could he be hallucinating? In his panic he locks himself in the men's room of a coffee shop only to find a strange man in cycling togs sharing the space. The lanky intruder claims to be Dungsten’s neurally implanted concierge unit who has two disturbing messages. Dungsten is a Shaper—an obsolete, genetically programmed tool created by a bankrupt galactic corporation to terraform planetary experiences for vacationing clients; and the woman he inadvertently killed at the airport with his Shaper abilities will be the love of his life. Attracting government agents who want to weaponize him and Galactic Business Council assassins who want to terminate him, fear drives the Shaper within to inadvertently bifurcate, a second Dungsten also now running from his pursuers. But bifurcation comes at a price: loss of appetite, swelling of the hands and feet, an erection lasting longer than four hours, loss of bladder control, rectal bleeding, psychosis, convulsions, and sudden death. To pull himself back together and if he’s lucky, survive, he must master his Shaper abilities before he becomes a victim, or worse, accidentally destroys Earth and everyone he loves along with it.


What is the hardest part of writing your books?

Proofreading. Writing is the fun part when I get to create characters and place them in a world. And while editing is a bit more technical, I’m still crafting the story, working on structure, pace, tension, and all the elements that make good storytelling. But finding typos, misspellings, errant commas—kill me now!


What songs are most played on your Ipod?


I’m a huge jazz fan. Lately I’ve been grooving to old Carmel Jones recordings (check out Night Tide) and quite a bit of Bill Evans (must be a pandemic thing to relax), Snarky Puppy, and did you happen to hear Chick Corea’s Grammy winning album? We lost a great one, but I’m sure glad he was with us for a time. I’ve also been digging the Black Pumas, Gary Clark Jr., and Larkin Poe.


Do you have critique partners or beta readers?


I used to read regularly with a critique group, but I think we all eventually found the issues we needed feedback about could not be worked in a selection from a chapter. So I have beta readers of various sorts. Some are writers who can give technical feedback, some are readers who can give me a great inside perspective on what it’s like to read the story. Both are quite helpful. And I’ve got a friend who catches little details—the blue pickup on page 2 turned into a red sedan on page 202. Awesome.


What book are you reading now?


At the moment, I’m reading a Tana French novel, The Searcher about an American in Ireland. Beautiful writing. Prior to that I read fellow Del Sol Press author, Melanie Bacon’s mystery, The Detectivists: Dragon Ripper. A new take on Sherlock Holmes. Great read.


How did you start your writing career?


I was a frustrated writer, making a living doing other things and having very little time to write. Then I decided I better focus or I’d lose the chance to do what I love. The Bifurcation of Dungsten Crease is actually the evolution of the first novel I wrote, but did not publish. It was followed by three humorous thrillers set in Texas and two fantasy thrillers—all published by Del Sol Press.


Tell us about your next release.


Thanks for hosting me on the blog. Much appreciated! Here’s a little blurb about my latest novel.

The Birfucation of Dungsten Crease is a story about an ordinary person who discovers something extraordary about himself and then must figure out a way to live in this new world. In the course of a morning, Dungsten Crease resurrects his neighbor’s dog, is arrested by TSA for carrying a weapon, and drowns a woman at an airline ticket counter. In a panic, he locks himself in the men's room of a coffee shop only to find a strange man in cycling togs sharing the space. The lanky intruder claims to be Dungsten’s neurally implanted concierge unit who has two disturbing messages. Dungsten is a Shaper—an obsolete, genetically programmed tool created by a bankrupt galactic corporation to terraform planetary experiences for vacationing clients; and the woman he inadvertently killed at the airport with his Shaper abilities will be the love of his life. Attracting government agents who want to weaponize him and Galactic Business Council assassins who want to terminate him, fear drives the Shaper within to inadvertently bifurcate, a second Dungsten also now running from his pursuers. But bifurcation comes at a price: loss of appetite, swelling of the hands and feet, an erection lasting longer than four hours, loss of bladder control, rectal bleeding, psychosis, convulsions, and sudden death. To pull himself back together and if he’s lucky, survive, he must master his Shaper abilities before he becomes a victim, or worse, accidentally destroys Earth and everyone he loves along with it.

No one ever said being a galactic corporate tool would be easy.


About the Author

Richard Hacker, lives and writes in Seattle, Washington after living many years in Austin, Texas. In addition to the science fiction/fantasy novels, which include The Alchimeía Series, his crime novels ride the thin line between fact and fiction in Texas. Along the way, his writing has been recognized by the Writer’s League of Texas and the Pacific Northwest Writers Association. As a judge in literary contests shuch as PNWA and ChicLit, and as a freelance development editor, he enjoys the opportunity to work with other writers. In addition, he is the Sci-Fi/Fantasy editor for the Del Sol Review. When not writing he’s singing jazz and creating visual art.

Del Sol Press books by Richard Hacker are available at Amazon

The Alchimeía Series



Other books by Richard Hacker:

Nick Sibelius Crime Series




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