
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Virtual Book Tour: The Asshole's Guide to Everyday Living by James Pravasilis #blogtour #humor #nonfiction #selfhelp #rabtbooktours @Assholes_guide @MKWebsiteandSEO @RABTBookTours

Humor / Nonfiction / Self Help

Date Published: July 24, 2022

Publisher: Mindstir Media

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A satirical yet real perspective on individualism, sovereignty, spiritualism and social discourse through the eyes and ears of the every-man/woman/they/it/them/mammal that hates the taste of kale, has no time or patience for kundalini breathing exercises and is just trying to get through life with as minimal damage as possible in the "New Normal."

Humor is the best medicine and this book provides a nice dose of haha's for those of us who are fed up and aren't pulled into the manufactured polarity and manipulation that is high jacking our individual consciousness.


Tell us about your book?


            In short, It’s a “self-help” book for people who hate self-help and are tired of trying to fit in and make sense of a world that is becoming more and more difficult to navigate. During the summer of 2020 with all the tension and craziness going on, I too has feeling the anxiety and turmoil of the world we were experiencing . Everything was on hold, especially my acting career which just before Covid seemed to be on a rising trajectory. I was frustrated and hungry for a creative outlet. I started noticing many people I know publishing books through Amazon. I was pissing and moaning to a friend complaining, “Look at all these bullshit artists thinking they’re authors all of a sudden”. Finally my friend had enough and said “Well then, why don’t you write your own book and shut the fuck up already.” Yes, my complaining inspires those kind of responses from people. But, the moment she said that the title hit me like a spiritual bitch slap! BOOM, “The Asshole’s Guide To Everyday Living” flashed in my head. I thought to myself “Really Universe? REALLY? THIS is the book I am destined to write?” Within two weeks I sat down (actually laid on my couch in my underwear) and let a stream of consciousness flow out of me coming from as truthful and honest of a place that I could offer. I spoke to the page in my own words, in my own way as if I was speaking to my closest most trusted friend.

What is the PRIMARY benefit, above all others, that your potential reader will gain from reading this book? (Be very specific. Please do not answer with 'good read' or 'page turner' or some other worn-out, overused phrase. Be concise and avoid generalization.)


            I believe many people feel disenfranchised and alienated about our world due to all the manufactured polarity via politics, media and social discourse. There is a lot of anger and vitriol being thrown around. This books gives an irrelevant, humorous perspective easing the pressure to “fight” back against it all. I think and hope people will read this book and resonate with what is being said and also realize that humor and irreverence is a higher vibration than all the dark and negative things we are constantly exposed to. To also understand that we ARE independent, sovereign beings responsible for the world we live in and no-one was and right to take that from us.


If you had to compare this book to any other book out there, which book would it be?

(Remember: The audience does not yet know you. It is very important that you reference something they might be familiar with to effectively and powerfully communicate what your work is about. You are NOT saying you are 'better than' or 'just like' this comparative, but are somewhat the same in a very general sense, to give the listener a point of reference.)


            Uh-oh, Uuuggh, ya got me! I don’t really read a lot of books that are relative to mine. BUT! If you had a gun to my head or made me watch “The View” (same thing to me), I did read some of Mark Mansons “The Subtle art of not giving a fuck”. I enjoyed his similar irreverent approach, though my book may be a bit more on the raised in Brooklyn during the 70’s and 80’s vulgarity side. I guess the best way to reference this is to say my book would be enjoyed by people who like Russel Brandt, Joe Rogan and Bill Burr. And if any of you know them, tell ’em my calendar its wide open.



Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year. Why should someone buy THIS book? (What is it that sets THIS book apart from ALL those other books in the same genre or category? What will the buyer get from you and ONLY you that simply cannot be found elsewhere?)


            The Intention isn’t just to tell, it’s to connect. This is me shouting out to the world and seeing who shouts back. This book is for those of us who have always felt alienated and want to know that our voice, our thoughts and beliefs are not alone. That it’s okay to be vulgar as well as kind, to be irreverent as well as compassionate. To connect that inner voice in us that needs to Asshole-up when need be.

            OH! And I talk about how God put the actual asshole in the wrong place. See Ch. 3 “A Word About The Actual Asshole”



Who is your target audience? (Be very specific. Gender? Age range? Geographic area? Primary interests? What benefits does the reader hope to gain from buying a book like this book?)


            Definitely Gen X’ers ages 40’s-50’s. But I do Believe the Generation that ranges from 17-mid 20’s will get a lot out of this book as well. The balance of dirty humor mixed with deep concepts of individuality will appeal to a younger crowd looking for their own voice and path in life.

            The book may seem a bit “male-energy” but I’m finding a lot of women of all ages buying it and really enjoying it. It’s a great book for women tired of being too nice (especially to men).

             It definitely has a New Yorker vibe, I’m a Born Bred Brooklynite and that is definitely the voice of the book. Though, it will appeal to any parts of the U.S, Canada and Britain. Too many times we hear people wish they had a bit of that New Yorker Asshole in them….Well here’s your chance!



Did your environment or upbringing play a major role in your writing and did you use it to your advantage?


            Yes! I think growing up in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn during the 70’s and 80’s and writing a self help book about Assholism is 100% synonymous. With the overtly sensitive, cancel culture, riot-a-weak, safe space, thumb sucking society we’re experiencing it was only a matter of time an asshole from the Northeast would bounce back with a book like this.



Tell us your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?


            Seeing people post pictures of themselves on the different social media platforms holding the book and giving a big thumbs up has been very validating and rewarding.



How would you describe your writing style?


            Off the cuff, Un-filtered, connected to source, Bargain basement with an express elevator to the penthouse, Love it or hate it you’re gonna remember it style!


Does this book draw from people you know?


            It’s mostly my perspective based on my experience of living life thus far but I do make a reference here and there about experiences with specific people.


Are you more of a character artist or a plot-driven writer?




What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it?


            Um, Create an Army of Assholes? Or, to see people truly resonating and enjoying the book.


About the Author

If being a defiant independent free thinker who won't bend to divisive narratives and polarized ideologies aimed at high-jacking people's consciousness makes me an Asshole..... then so be it! Join me and allow me to be your guide .

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