
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Virtual Book Tour: Bretisms by Bret Davis #blogtour #interview #nonfiction #selfhelp #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Adopted, Borrowed and Modified Philosophies For a Life with LESS ANXIETY and MORE CONFIDENCE


Nonfiction / Self-Help

Date Published: January 29, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media


This book contains a collection of sayings, thoughts, and life lessons that have helped to reduce my level of stress and anxiety while building confidence in myself and others. Some are mine, and others I have heard and adopted either as is or marginally tailored to become mine over the years. I repeat these sayings to myself and others almost daily. By reading these healthy reminders on a daily basis you will come to realize a healthier outlook on life, find others treat you with more kindness and respect all while building confidence in yourself and your abilities.



Introduce yourself and tell me about what you do.

Name is Bret Davis, I reside in Houston Texas. I am employed as an Executive Vice President of Corporate development for a private equity firm and oversee mergers and acquisitions in the medical space.

Tell me about your Book

My book is simply Adopted, borrowed and modified philosophies for a life with less anxiety and more confidence. I was motivated to finish the book after many years, not only because of my father's passing and seeing so many of his unfinished writings, but mainly because over the years so many people have reached out to me sharing the impact my daily philosophies had on their happiness and confidence. If I could publish a book and help even a few more people who are not in my immediate sphere of influence than I should. I mainly like to talk about how the goal of my book is to help people reduce anxiety and lift-up self-confidence. By making these daily philosophies a part of ones psyche and core beliefs I have seen positive results many individuals from all walks of life over the years.

Tell me more about your journey as an author, including the writing process.

I have been working on this book for 20 plus years. I started it with the intention of just giving to my two sons as a way for them to navigate life as adults without anxiety and filled with confidence/happiness. Having grown up with a father who was a football coach and eventually and NFL executive I had the pleasure of growing up around some very confident, motivating and inspiring people. Don Shule, Vince Papale (Invincible - Movie), Dick Vermeil, Urban Meyer, Bob Griese, Ron Jaworski, and countless other NFL and NCAA hall of fame coaches and players. As I grew in my career, I began using some of their sayings, coming up with my own and/or modifying other that have been around for generations. I used these sayings to motivate, console, lift-up or just to build confidence in others around me. I have always loved being around confident people and enjoy building or inspiring confidence in others. Through the years I would hear back from countless people of a simple phrase I used or repeated to them over and over had changed their life or at least their outlook on life. A few years back when my father died, we found a bunch of writings that he had started, but never completed or put into book form. That was the motivation I needed to get serious and dedicate time to finishing and publishing my book.

Story (that you want to highlight)

The overall story of the book containing daily philosophies that can help anyone navigate through difficult times or as importantly know when they are in a good place with good things happening and learn to enjoy those moments with the same intensity that we tend to focus on when things are not going as well as we wish.

Any message for our readers –

If you or someone you know is looking for a life with less anxiety and more confidence - then I would suggest giving this book a fair and honest read. The main goal for writing and publishing book is to help others life a happier, more confident life.

About the Author

Born in Youngstown Ohio, with stops throughout his life in Michigan, NJ, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Florida, Ohio (again) Georgia and Texas. Bret Davis is a born salesman. With the love of his wife of twenty-eight years, Kelly, and their two sons, Blake and Connor, he has achieved his dreams and more. Starting from a door-to-door salesman, he has worked his way up to executive-level positions with multiple companies in the medical field. Throughout his trials and experiences in the sales industry, Bret has come to understand people and that the way we all work holds a unique value. Today, he and his family reside in Houston, Texas.


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