
Monday, June 10, 2024

Virtual Book Tour: Channeling by Andrew Teague McCollister #blogtour #mystery #thriller #interview #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours

Mystery / Thriller

Date Published: March 12, 2024



Defying gravity, manipulating the naked eye, and moving faster than time itself? These abilities, or Channels, were once considered impossible yet are now commonplace, and the small town of Lockwood, New Hampshire is no exception. In 2055, society has progressed to include and incorporate Channeling as a natural part of life. This is made possible by the establishment of the Department of Channel Control and the limited abilities most Channelers have. However, this all changes when four students at Lockwood University discover they can take their Channels further than ever thought possible. Now, the more Rachel, Miles, Angelo, and Clayton discover about their abilities and their pasts, the more dangerous their lives become.



Introduce yourself and tell me about what you do.

I graduated from Catawba College with honors and a BA in writing, becoming the first person in the school's history to successfully present a creative writing honors thesis. My published works include "Beneath the Surface", "Forgotten Letters of the Dead", and "The Society of Living Poets". All three have received critical acclaim, with "Beneath the Surface" and "The Society of Living Poets" being featured as the Onlinebookclub's Book of the Day. My works have also been featured in “North Carolina’s Best Emerging Writers” and “North Carolina’s Best Emerging Poets”.

When I am not writing, I work as the Financial Controller of a Non-Profit called Vocational Guidance Services. We help individuals with disabilities find employment and also provide day services for them. I have been a lifelong swimmer who recently started competing in triathlons. Currently, I live in Cleveland, OH with my Fiance Matthew and dog, Pappy. My current life allows me to take full advantage of my greatest passions: spending time with family, hosting parties for friends, serving the community, exercising, traveling, and of course writing.

Tell me more about your journey as an author, including the writing processes.

My flare for writing has always existed. My father and I would always tell stories to one another when he was driving me to and from swim practice. One of us would start the story, then would say "You take it from there" and the other would pick up where it was left off. It was such a fun time that I was partly sad when I finally got my driver's license and started driving myself. Though my passion for writing didn't truly bloom until I took a creative writing course in College. During the time, I thought I wanted to be a dentist and was only taking the course to fulfill my humanities requirements. I feel deep and hard in love with telling my own stories. So much so that I changed my major to writing. From there, I went on to graduate with honors by being the first person in my school's history to do so by researching/writing a collection of short stories.

Although I graduated college with a major in writing, I did end up attaining a masters in business administration and a masters in accounting. From there, I received my CPA and pursued a career in accounting. My main motivation for doing so was actually how strongly I felt about being an author. I love writing and did not want to become burned out with it. I wanted to write for the joy and fun that it adds to my life and the lives of my readers, not because I had to in order to eat. While it is not my main occupation, I have still kept writing as a major part of my life. Including Channeling, I have published four books so far and am currently working on my fifth! When people ask what I do, I say "I'm an accountant by day and a writer by night". I could truly not imagine my life any other way.

As far as a writing process, I can't say that I have a truly defined one. The approach changes depending on the work and can sometimes change within the work. There have been times where I have mapped out a story from start to finish before I write the first paragraph. Other times, I hop in with a vague idea and go from there. However, the one constant is that I don't allow myself to be restricted by an initial idea or direction. The story needs to, in part, write itself. Oftentimes, it ends up being far different than what I initially envisioned.

Tell me about your Book

Defying gravity, manipulating the naked eye, and moving faster than time itself. These abilities, or Channels, were once considered impossible yet are now commonplace and the small town of Lockwood, New Hampshire is no exception. In 2055, society has progressed to include and incorporate Channeling as a natural part of life. This is made possible by the establishment of the Department of Channel Control and the limited abilities most Channelers have. However, this all changed when four students at Lockwood University discovered they can take their Channels further than ever thought possible. The more Rachel, Miles, Angelo, and Clayton discover about their abilities and past, the more dangerous their lives become.

“Channeling” is a novel that hooks readers from the first page to the last. It features an ensemble of diverse characters with their own perspectives and sense of morality. As the desire for knowledge and power converge, the residents of Lockwood are put to the ultimate test to discover what it truly means to be a hero.

Any message for our readers

Writing and meeting new people are some of my greatest passions in life. If you have any questions about my book(s), want to determine which one (if any) are the best fit for you, and/or just want to chat, I encourage you to reach out!


It’s 2055 and Rachel finds herself trapped in a room completely devoid of light. Though her captures continuously reassure that she’ll be safely released, Rachel is highly suspicious of their true motives. After an intense round of unorthodox questioning by a mysterious woman named Elyria, Rachel realizes her only chance for escape is to use her Illusion Channel. Though the room is designed to prevent her from manipulating light, Rachel will need to think creatively and fast if she has any hope of survival.

About the Author

Andrew has always been passionate about writing and storytelling. They describe themselves as a curious Writer who loves exploring diverse themes, motifs, and genres. As part of their writing process, they love immersing themselves in their projects—diving headfirst into the research, production, and fine-tuning of the stories they feel are the most worthy of telling.


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