
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Virtual Book Tour: Hannah - The Soldier Diaries by Steve Wallis #blogtour #interview #audiobook #fiction #musical #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Fiction/Musical Audiobook

Date Published: August 24, 2023



Zoe Wright, Ross Kemp

Run Time: 01:40


Hannah - The Soldier Diaries is a musical audiobook featuring a foreword by Ross Kemp.

This musical audiobook contains 11 narrated chapters with each chapter being complimented by its own song.

A story of love, separation and an uncertain future. When the gorgeous Hannah meets Lance Corporal Jack Webb in the Summer of 2012 she is quickly smitten. However, Hannah has to decide quickly whether to embark on a whirlwind affair or walk away, as the couple only have four weeks together before Jack has to return to the army to fight in the Afghan War. Hannah follows her heart and spends the most amazing four weeks of her life with Jack, before he has to leave. Over two months later, Jack is missing, and Hannah—who is three months pregnant—is beside herself with worry. Out of nowhere, a face she knows only too well appears at her door. Are all Hannah's worries over or is this the beginning of the end for Hannah and Jack?


What is the hardest part of writing your books?

Without giving too much away, there’s a scene where Hannah has just been told that Jack (her soldier boyfriend) is missing in action. It was quite tough to get the tone of this scene just right. Whilst this news that Hannah has just received is devasting, I didn’t want it to be too over the top, Hannah is a strong young woman so trying to show her pain without too much outward emotion was challenging. A physical example of this scene would be to show Hannah with a single tear rolling down her cheek rather than her in floods of tears with 3 boxes of Kleenex!

I also wanted to produce something that is a little different in terms of a product.
I know what I have produced is not totally unique but there doesn’t seem to be too many like it.

People think it’s a recording of a staged production, but its not, it’s a narrator telling a story which is then followed by a song – So if you close your eyes its like going to the theatre but its not actually set on stage.

It’s also much shorter than an audiobook story, it runs at just 1hour and 40 mins including the eleven songs which is more in line with a staged musical (without the break)

What are your most played songs?

There’s a Song called Butterflies, which is the first song you will hear in the Audiobook.
It’s a particular favourite of mine and I think really captures that feeling you get when you meet or see that certain someone for the very first time.

There’s also a song called Funk IT, which is, as you may imagine, a one or two fingered salute to all those people who tell you how you should live your life.

I think it’s extra fun as it comes from the perspective of a mature woman which gives it extra meaning and sentiment.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?

Zoe Wright (Hannah) who narrates and sings all the songs in Hannah assisted with the process as did my wife and Nik Martin who I wrote the songs with.

What book are you reading now?
Only Fools and Stories by David Jason

How did you start your writing career?

I think the early inspiration was from my Grandmother who told me some wonderful stories from her time living through the second world war in the UK, especially those stories around her relationship with my Grandfather during this time, how she would have to be at home with my mother waiting for his letters to arrive, never knowing if he would ever come home.

Although Hannah is set modern day ish (2012) it does draw on those similar themes of love and longing, hope and desperation.

Further inspiration came from when I moved to a sea side town called Scarborough in the UK, I really feel at home here and I found some amazing inspirational places to set Hannah in.

Tell us about your next release.

Volume 2 will be a continuation story as (spoiler alert) Volume 1 doesn’t fully resolve) The format will be same with 11 Chapters and 11 brand new original songs.

Volume 2 will complete and resolve the initial Hannah story although Volume 3 will be out in Summer of 2025.

To compliment and support the Hannah Audiobooks a stage version will be produced in the Summer of 2025 in our home town of Scarborough.

In addition, we have just completed a short film version of Hannah, which we intend to use as a pitch for funding to make the full length feature film based on both the first two Hannah Audiobooks.

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