
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Blog Tour: Dreamer - Guest Post

Date Published: 5/7/13

Two gamers find solace from the troubles of reality in an alternate world filled with dragons. The book has a dual nature both fantasy and reality, two plots and two stories. The main character must deal with illness and alternately with the life of a great red dragon.

Review to come...



Guest Post

How I learned to fly -----
When I was just a wee lad, I believed in many rather unusual things. Among them, I considered the ability to fly a learned endeavor. Aside from the fact that I thought I had a chance to grow up to literally be a cat, flying consumed me.  Buzzing around the palatial gardens of my father’s summer house, I took wing with butterflies, bees and a myriad of birds. I left no hollow tree unexplored and would have been found lingering at a substantial height in various overgrown branches. The clouds were the only limitations to my dreams and even they presented only minor problems.

While some things were gained, others were lost. The onset of boundaries began as I started to progress toward more adult chapters in life. Although I never attended large crowded schools like normal children, my education was far from neglected. The cool grass of the fountain side pool was replaced by desk and chair and both the child and the dreams were reined in for more productive pursuits.  A well rounded appreciation for art and literature was drummed into my head alongside of mathematics and practical science. Although I became intimately acquainted with books and established a profound sense of escape through reading, I was disillusioned of the strong notions that flight was a necessary aspect of a wholesome life. I no longer believed that my middle name was “Paws” or that I could become a cat.

The ultimate consequences for my startling adventures into reality were far from subtle. I found myself adrift in many ways and literately at sea. Traveling replaced flying as a passion and I worked my way through many coastlines touring the world. Sometimes finding oneself lost provides a great deal of information. Who we are--- is not dependent on where we are and internal learning curves are often more steep. 

I might have spent my life wondering if I had a purpose while taking in glorious sunsets--- had circumstances not intervened. Some would say that I had an unfortunate turn of luck, but life is what you make of it. Forced to retire from travel, I began to write and found it was my calling.
Today I fly whenever the mood strikes me. I have grown into a fine cat with grey stripes and---when I am allowed—I chase butterflies across the open meadows. 

Patrick O'Scheen

  I don't normally answer questions about my personal history....I'm painfully shy.   Who is Patrick O’Scheen? I ask myself this often. A sailor, a chef, a writer…even I’m uncertain. Patrick O'scheen is a bit of a mystery, even to me. I know that writing is more than an enterprise for me. I’s a calling. Books and stories touch lives like nothing else. I think there is more of me buried in my writing than you will find anywhere else. So who is Patrick O’Scheen…read and find out.

I'm very fond of cats and spaghetti ...not necessarily together.
      If I were to rewrite Dreamer, I see all sorts of things that I would do differently. I find all of the errors that escaped the edits. However, it is still a wonderful tale close to my heart. I hope you enjoy.

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  1. You did a wonderful job with this guest post! Many happy adventures to you!

  2. Thank you for the enjoyable blog post, Patrick. It's great to be a dreamer.

    1. lol Bob, I knew you would understand!

  3. Keep chasing butterflies! Now your title makes perfect sense! :)

    1. Hope you get a chance to read Dreamer! The title does make sense! thank you for peeking at this post :)

  4. Great post Patrick. You're a rose that unfolds one petal at a time.

  5. Beautiful post, Patrick! You had me dreaming of flying and chasing butterflies, too.

    1. Thank you, Martha. I still like the idea of flight!

  6. Great post Patrick! Life has strange ways of leading us down our intended path.

    1. Hahaha yes! Never ever would I have thought I'd find myself writing!

  7. Replies
    1. thanks Sarah! so glad you could come by!

  8. I'll certainly keep an eye on you

  9. thanks, Carl :) at least I hope that's a good thing!

  10. Just bought it - looking forward to reading it :)

  11. Ah, I just knew you were a real cat! Meow.

  12. Love the post, Patrick. What's not to like about a person who is seeped with dreams of flying and the salty wind of coastlines?
