
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Blog Tour: The Fall and Rise of Peter Stoller by @sh8kspeare #interview

Upmarket Espionage / Mystery / Thriller / Suspense
Date Published: January 15, 2016

In 1960s London, British Intelligence agent Peter Stoller is next in line to run the Agency. But when he falls in love with cab driver Charles, his life goes off the road. Charles is accused of being an enemy spy, and Peter is guilty by association. Though they manage to escape, the seeds of doubt have been planted, leaving Peter to wonder how much he can truly trust his lover. Is ignorance bliss or merely deadly?


What is the hardest part of writing your books?

Getting motivated. I have a difficult time focusing for any length of time. I’ll start writing, and then I’ll get restless and want to check my email or get up and move around. It’s tough for me to just sit down and write. Which is why it takes me so long to finish anything.

What songs are most played on your Ipod?

Oh, it depends on my mood usually. I keep my iPod on shuffle anyway, so it selects my music for me. I’d say the Rob Thomas and Matchbox Twenty stuff gets most played, followed by The Script or Maroon 5. I like pop music.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?

I do. I didn’t for a while, but I think it helps to have fresh eyes reading the work and providing feedback. Things you think are obvious, that seem obvious to you when you write it, may not be to a reader. And then sometimes you just make stupid mistakes, and your critique partners and betas will find those for you, too. It slows you down to have to build in those readers as part of the process, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Nothing is perfect when it first comes out. No matter how much you want it to be.

What book are you reading now?

I’m actually re-reading Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile. I just finished Tana French’s The Secret Place and wanted something lighter. Yes, I consider a murder mystery light! But Christie’s books just snap along. They’re fast reads.

How did you start your writing career?

Ah, that depends on where you start. As far as published works go, I started with my Sherlock Holmes story “The Mystery of the Last Line.” I’d written it as part of my graduate school admissions packet; it was one of my writing samples. And years later I found it and decided to try self-publishing it. And it did pretty well, so I went from there.

Well, my most recent book came out in January. The Fall and Rise of Peter Stoller was released by Tirgearr Publishing. It’s a 1960s British spy novel in the vein of John Le Carré. As for my next release, I’m not sure yet. I’m shopping a YA fantasy novel and writing a Regency romance. We’ll see which comes out first.

M Pepper Langlinais is best known for her Sherlock Holmes stories. She is also a produced playwright and screenwriter. She lives in Livermore, California.

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