
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Virtual Book Tour: Just Be You by Emma Wood #blogtour #selfhelp #nonfiction #interview #giveaway #rabtbooktours @PPPbyEmmaWood @RABTBookTours



Self-Help / Journal

Date Published: 01-07-2022



366 daily journaling prompts to help you find the courage, confidence and comfort to be exactly who you are.








Can you tell us a little about the process of getting this book published? How did you come up with the idea and how did you start?

It all started about 30 years ago when I was sat at my grandma’s kitchen table, writing stories on the inside of old Christmas cards. I’ve always loved telling stories and I knew that one day I would write a book. Fast forward to 2018, when I enrolled in a business program for new entrepreneurs. Having been in business already for several years, I wasn’t eligible for this program, but we got creative and found a way…I decided I would start my book and become an author. As a boudoir photographer, I knew my book had to be something that would help women beyond my studio. A lot of my clients lack confidence and only so much can be done in one day in front of my camera…that’s where my book comes in. It takes the reader on a 366 journey towards loving exactly who they are.


What surprised you most about getting your book published?

There’s so much to do…things I had absolutely no idea about, like online book tours and how long formatting takes. It’s not just a case of putting words on the pages, checking it for mistakes and done! I am so glad I decided to hire a mentor to coach me through the whole process. I call myself a recovering perfectionist. I’ve been working on letting go of my perfectionist traits since 2018. I think all my hard work unraveled during this writing journey. Oops!


Tell us a little about what you do when you aren’t writing

This probably isn’t such a surprise…I love to read! I read non-fiction books in the morning to get me psyched for the day ahead, and I read fiction at night, to relax me. I will read anything that is recommended to me, but if I have to pick a favourite, I will say mysteries and thrillers. Aside from reading, I love playing the piano, singing with my fellow ‘Glee-club’ members (I’m not good at it, but I love it), pole dancing, kickboxing, and anything creative, like photography, sketching, painting and art journaling.


As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

As a brand-new published author, my writing life has been short, so far. Two things spring to mind though. First, journaling daily really helped me to get the words onto the page when it came to writing my book…I didn’t struggle with writer’s block as much. Also, hiring a mentor to talk me through the process of publishing my book. I had no clue what format I needed to be writing in or uploading etc. I didn’t even know where I was supposed to be uploading my book. I’m not sure I could have done it without her. Thanks Kat!


Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?

I am inspired by the comments and interaction of the women in my Facebook group (Be You. Uplifted) and my boudoir clients. I am inspired by own journaling journey and knowing what works for me helps me to pay it forward and help others. I just think there’s an overall lack of confidence in this world and I want to contribute to changing that. I once lacked confidence having been tormented and picked on throughout my school years, but I did the work and I changed. I want that for everyone, including the bullies…especially the bullies. Hurt people hurt people, so if we can help them too, there will be less of that. It starts with us as individuals.


What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

I have a pretty thick skin…either that or everyone is being too kind!! I was told to take out a lot of my content because it was just too wordy. I didn’t take it as a criticism, but I guess I was a little surprised that a book could have too much content. I did as I was told…for the most part!


What has been your best accomplishment as a writer?

Since this is my very first book, which was only just published this month (January 2022), I would say that actually following through on my dream and physically holding my book in my hands, and of course, seeing it available for purchase on amazon.


How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

I have one other book idea in mind. I haven’t started piecing it together, but I do have a notebook full of notes that I continue to add to. Putting my first book together has motivated me to keep going and commit to my second one right away.




About the Author

Emma Wood is a self-taught boudoir photographer, certified makeup artist and two-time award-winning entrepreneur with one mission; to help women find the confidence and comfort to be who they are.

This book was written because only so much can be achieved in one day. It is the continued self-love support that women need beyond Emma’s boudoir studio.

Emma not only works hard at empowering other women, but she is also constantly working on empowering herself through journaling, reading, kickboxing, pole dancing and finding joy in her life every day.

She is a Yorkshire lass living in Alberta, Canada. She is a wifey and a mommy to two adorable and cheeky bunnies.


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1 comment:

  1. exciting!! Thanks for sharing my book and a little about me :D
