
Thursday, March 3, 2022

Virtual Book Tour: Where's Kazu? by Greg Jolley #blogtour #interview #giveaway #suspense #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @gfjolle


Book One of the Maison de Danse Quartet


Date Published: 01-01-2022

Publisher: Épouvantail Books

The hunt is on. Pierce Danser is desperately searching for his grandson, Kazu, a twelve year old who's carving a murderous trail as he tries to escape his past. Labeled by the Mexican federales as Jappy the Assassin, the boy has fought his way to the states, being chased by his double-crossed employer and the law. When Pierce picks up his trail, he starts his desperate journey from a simple life in Michigan to the Midwest, using all of his wits and contacts to rescue the boy before the Mexican hitmen and the authorities get their claws into him.

As the trail leads Pierce to Florida, he is also targeted and attacked. Battered and frightened, he refuses to give up, doing all he can to get to Kazu before the boy is caught and disappeared and worse. Because of his trickery and escape, nothin less than Kazu's head on a spike will do.

Pierce is in the fight of his life.

The clock is ticking.

Can he save the boy from his deadly pursuers?


What is the hardest part of writing your books?

First of all, thank you for the interview. Recently, it has been the second draft before the books go to my editor and then on to the publisher. While I am confident I have discovered and told the story well in the first draft, there’s always a bit of over writing that needs to be trimmed, as well as adding additional color. The second draft also focuses on adjusting rhythm and pace by revising each chapter and paragraph as a stand-alone.


What songs are most played on your Ipod?


For the “Where’s Kazu?” write, it was all Steely Dan, in particular their live recordings. They always got my blood running, even at 5AM, when I start. I enjoyed the spark of their complex melodies. As always, I don’t have a clue what their songs are about or listen to the lyrics. Also, The Hellecasters, of course!



Do you have critique partners or beta readers?


As close as I come to that is working closely with my hired editor before the book goes to my publisher. We typically go through the manuscript three times, passing it back and forth. This is vital for two reasons. First off, I write by using punctuation as a drum kit which often needs a clean-up. Secondly, there are always a few continuity issues that get pointed out and fixed. I can’t say enough about the importance of working with an editor who is professional and who you can trust.



What book are you reading now?


All non-fiction. I’m finishing up the research of the Bath Michigan School Massacre 0f 1926 which will play a key role in the fourth Chas Danser novel. With rare exception, I don’t read fiction, unless it is Elmore Leonard or Stephen King and a few others, which I do with a pen in hand. I’m not focused on their stories, but love studying their creative formatting and structures.



How did you start your writing career?


On a typewriter on a deck in the sun. I also had a cigar box of large index cards at my side, filled with what I still call Ingredients. These included character notes, motivation sketches, bits and pieces of dialogue and details on locations, as well as ideas about theme and structure.



Tell us about your next release.


I’d love to. The next title is “Molly’s Run: Book Two of the Maison de Danse Quartet.”

It is being released April 1st of this year. This was a really fun Danser novel to write, like building a fast paced roller coaster ride through a haunted house. Here’s is its description (blurb):



Nothing’s slowing this girl down. Not the law, not her crimes, not her ugly and checkered past.

Molly Danser is a master thief, sharp as a razor and with no boundaries, racking in riches with her brilliant, high-tech bank hits.


Fighting her private demons, she and her partner, Alison, depart the Isle of Mann for Florida in search of new targets. Little do they know that they’ve pinged the radar of the one person who can bring them down.


Known only as Hillary, their pursuer has a twisted and deadly ending planned for them. Her black heart is set on revenge and nothing short of their horrific deaths will satisfy her.


When Molly learns of the pursuit, she and Alison go on the run.


From the St. Augustine to North Captiva Island, they do their devil best to escape. When finally cornered, Molly see’s that there’s only one way out.

No more running.

It time to turn the table.

Time for the hunted to be the hunter.

Can she take down the monster?

Can she survive?


About the Author

Greg Jolley earned a Master of Arts in Writing from the University of San Francisco. He is the author of the suspense novels about the fictional Danser family. He lives in a very small town in Florida and when he's not writing, he's researching historical true crime or goes surfing.

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