
Monday, June 6, 2022

Virtual Book Tour: The Way of the Tracker by Carrie Jost #blogtour #giveaway #nonfiction #selfhelp #interview #rabtbooktours @AuthorParul @CreativeKAssoc @RABTBookTours


Natural Health / Self Development / Kinesiology / Healing / Holistic Health / Wellbeing / Fulfillment

Releasing April 2022

Publisher: Serapis Bey Publishing


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This book takes you on an adventure of personal development through the detective work of Creative Kinesiology.  Muscle testing gives us the powerful tool we need to delve into any problem. It allows the body to show us what is going on physically, emotionally and in our feelings, with the mind and the spiritual self. Using maps of the body, subtle energies and clues to the problem gives the tracker the direction of healing.  Working creatively with the person and their intent for healing gives us all we need for healing and inner work to begin and continue. We look at the way the latest discoveries from the scientific world add new perspectives on the way the body systems work – or don’t.  Plumbing the depths of our being takes us to the reasons for our stress and anxiety – the traumas, large and small that can create problems in any part of us, including the digestive system, the brain and the nervous system. We may have lost our ability to look forward and reach for our visions and dreams. Help is there for us; in the exercises and techniques we can use for ourselves; some are introduced in the book.  Increasing our awareness of the body’s messages can give us the healing impetus to help ourselves and can take us to practitioners, both in the natural health world and in the medical profession.

Discover this gentle and powerful approach to healing and health for yourself as you read the book – a healing journey in itself.



Can you tell us a little about the process of getting this book published? How did you come up with the idea and how did you start?

This has been a very long process: I have been talking about writing a book for years! I was encouraged by clients, students and colleagues – one even said she could see a book in me!

The ideas have been there in my teaching, natural healing work and work with colleagues.  I started writing some years back and probably decided to write an actual book four years ago.  It has been a long time coming to fruition.  Along the way I have found some great help and support, which was essential.

The push behind writing a book was that I wanted to put across how Creative Kinesiology can help with any kind of problem. This approach restores balance in the body, mind, emotions and spirit of the person and enables people to move on in their lives – to whatever goals and ambitions they may have.

I am still not entirely sure who the book is aimed at – but certainly to kinesiologists as well as people interested in natural healing and health

This is how I have written the book – as if the person reading it is with me having a session, taking them through the process of healing.  Together we explore the methods used – particularly the use of muscle testing which gives feedback from the body. This tailors the maps and techniques to the person who is seeking help. The book takes us to the dark and difficult places that may come from ancestors, the past and the deep mysterious places in the body, like the gut and the workings of the nervous system. And it takes us out to the other side – the place of healing and realising our dreams and visions for life.


What surprised you most about getting your book published?

Two things really:

One - seeing my name on the cover of the book, having opened it after it came through the letterbox and

Two – seeing that the ebook version had made it to the bestseller list on Amazon in just a few days and

Three – learning about the self-publishing process and finding wonderful help in getting there.

I have been so thrilled to have the support of so many people in launching the book, it has been and still is wonderful.  This was not exactly a surprise but a source of absolute delight.


Tell us a little about what you do when you aren’t writing

Where shall I start?  My family is very important to me.  My two daughters, grandchildren, sister and the rest of the family. I spend great time with all of them. 

I have daily time with my cats – two amazing Bermans who look like cappuccino coffee. And are fabulous companions.

I walk around East Devon where I live and holidays for me are always walking holidays – as I write this, I am in North Devon for a week exploring the dramatic coastline with my sister and brother-in-law.

Tai Chi was a brilliant discovery – it is such a gentle martial art that is also a great meditation.  I have an enthusiastic teacher who helps me keep my form on track.

I spend a lot a lot of time in my garden – sitting and musing as well as encouraging growth of flowers, vegetables and life in all its forms.

Some of the practices I learnt from the time I spent training in shamanic healing help me enormously. Particularly the allies I work with and the spiritual help I can call on through the altars I have set up in my home – they inspire me continually

I sew, read novels and love to catch up with the latest dramas and series on TV.

And of course, I see friends and loved ones as well as clients who come for sessions – in person as well as on zoom these days.


As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

I went up a lot of blind alleys before I found the way through, but then I realized there were people who could help me – key people.  And the whole thing has been a steep learning curve – and I am still learning.

·         Penny, my dear friend and colleague helped me flesh out my ideas and come up with a structure for the book. She then introduced me to a publisher about 4 years ago.  They were interested but unfortunately for me, were taken over by a company that wasn’t.  This was a disappointment! Then I discovered the world of self-publishing. And after some investigation I discovered my next pivotal person.

·         Wendy, my editor, has been such a support, offering not just technical and editorial help but also first-class encouragement. The book is all the better for her help. Wendy introduced me to the next pivotal person.

·         Parul of Serapis Bay publishing offered me help with ‘hybrid’ publishing.  This offered me the chance to work with her on the publication (through Amazon) of the book and on the launching process.  This interview is part of that process.


Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?

I get my best ideas from other people – particularly from my work with clients and students. This is the bedrock of my writing life!

I also get ideas from the world of science.  These days scientists are prepared to make their research available to the lay public – like me! And there have been such interesting findings that are so relevant to our lives.  For instance, work on the gut microbiome, the vagus nerve and the rhythms of the heart.

I have some meditative time every day, with tai chi, walking and actual mediation that helps ideas to surface and form into something presentable.


What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

Most recently I felt the rejection from publishers as a criticism. But it has worked out really well as I like the self-publishing process and am enjoying working with Parul and the people who are helping me to launch the book. 

There have been challenging students over the years – ones who knew best and ignored what I was attempting to put across; ones who didn’t listen and ones who actually had brilliant constructive things to say in their criticism.  I remember introducing the work on ancestral energy with one group – and we were focusing on the negativity we could inherit from our ancestors (this was in the days before science knew that we could in fact inherit anything at all from our ancestors and that it could affect the way our DNA works).  This particular student pointed out that we also inherited lots of very good stuff from our ancestors – which of course is true.  This brought me up short and made me evaluate the way I should teach and present the ancestral aspect of Creative Kinesiology work.

Perhaps the most obvious tough criticism for my writing work has been from me – My inner critic is a strong one.  In response I have been developing my inner champion – to match the wonderful friends, family and colleagues who really do champion me and the work I do.


What has been your best accomplishment as a writer?

I have developed very many manuals for students over the past 35 years.  I consider these to be some of the best accomplishments in my working life.

But at the moment I feel it has been such a huge accomplishment to actually complete my book and the publishing process.  And there it is on the best sellers at Amazon for ebooks!!  Amazing.


How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

I have many ideas swirling around.  But none are unpublished or half-finished, they are simply ideas.

This is for the future – I do love writing and as long as my work develops there will always be something to write about.  And for me writing is all about people – the people I work with and ways that lives can be helped with natural healing.





  About the Author

Carrie Jost started her working life as a town planner and after having two beautiful daughters she moved on to become a community worker. When this work was coming to an end, she changed direction to work in the field of natural health and wellbeing and has continued ever since. Carrie has been a practitioner and teacher since 1987. She describes herself as a kinesiologist and has also trained as a psychotherapist and shamanic healer, as well as studying many other bodywork and energy work methods. Bringing these different approaches to health and wellbeing together has been her life’s work and vocation for more than thirty years.

She established the UK’s School of Creative Kinesiology in 1990 and was involved in setting up the Kinesiology Federation in the UK in 1991.

Carrie has worked with hundreds of people during the years; has trained many practitioners and teachers; and thoroughly enjoyed the entire process. Even though she is now an elder, she still sees clients and teaches. She also plays a part in the continuing journey of Creative Kinesiology.

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