
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Out of Performance, Into Identity by Angela Yarborough - Interview with the Author @RABTBookTours #rabtbooktours



Date Published: 8.28.2022

Publisher: Help from 100X Publishing



This is my story of how I went from fighting for the love, belonging, and acceptance my heart yearned for in finding my place in this world, to laying down my sword and allowing God’s love to find me.




 Can you tell us a little about the process of getting this book published? How did you come up with the idea and how did you start?

I had no intention of ever writing a book. It was first brought to my attention when I had a dream about a book with my name on it as the author. I knew that it was God telling me that it was time to get my story out into the world. Not at all excited about this pending request, I made up every excuse in the book to talk myself out of it. Over the next year and a half, at least half a dozen people would come across my path and mention they had either already written a book or were in the process of writing one and dispel all the excuses I had as to why I couldn’t do the same.

Reluctantly I started to write a little bit here and there until my personal story was all out of my head and onto paper. I was introduced to a book writing coach at a business conference I was attending, which had nothing to do with book writing, by the way. She was great support for me as I organized my words into a real live book.


What surprised you most about getting your book published?

How much easier the process was than I had originally thought. Self-publishing was always so scary to me when I was learning the different ways. I had almost signed up for a ghostwriter to write my book and pay a publisher to finish the rest. However, as my book coach taught me the process, I was amazed that I could do most of it on my own.

Another surprising moment for me after the book was published is the fact that so many women told me that my story had changed their life in some big way. Not thinking my story was that important to hear, was one of my excuses in the beginning. Come to find out, my story is important. I tell everyone now that is thinking about telling their story in a book, someone is waiting for your story to change their life.


Tell us a little about what you do when you aren’t writing

I am a jewelry designer, life coach, and mom. I work with women who are coming out of difficult pasts by employing them to work for my online jewelry business so they can transition into full-time career. I have a mini farm at my home consisting of bunnies, dogs, chickens, and 2 mischievous goats. I have a passion for women that want to redeem their lives and find a love relationship with Jesus. I teach several studies in the prison system and in trafficking safe houses to such women. I also offer my coaching services to women that want to learn how to have their own love story with Him.



As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

When I began hearing the stories of women not wanting to put down my book until they finished it. There was a heart healing that took place for most of these women as they read and related to my story. I never thought my story mattered that much in the past, so to hear that it made such an impact made me forever grateful.


Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?

I am very creative and imaginative by nature. It is a gift that God has given to me. You can find me out in nature a lot, and this is usually when my ideas flow the best.


What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

So far, I have not received any criticism from my readers. I believe in the beginning I gave myself the toughest criticism. Oftentimes I would tell myself that I couldn’t finish the book, it was just too much. Thank God I had such supportive friends surrounding me telling me to get back to writing and smack those thoughts in the face!


What has been your best accomplishment as a writer?

Finishing my book and finding that it had a great purpose far beyond accomplishment or money. It was and will continue to be a key to unlocking so many women from the prison of lies that they are in.


How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Today, I would say at least 2 more.  Turns out, it was quite a fun adventure.



About the Author

Angela Yarborough has a passion to see women set free from the lies of their pasts and begin living in the love and freedom of Christ. Having accomplished this in her own life, she regularly speaks to women and gives them hope for a love story of their own.

Combining her business knowledge, creative gifting, and love for the women she is called to serve, Angela has built an online jewelry business that employs women coming from the prison system or sex trade industry. equips women with the skills they need to obtain a long-term job that fits their God-given talents.

Living in a small town in North Louisiana with her husband, Jerry, along with their last 2 kids at home, daily adventures in nature bring a smile to her face. Picnics by the lake, kayaking on the river, and playing with her pet goats and sassy chickens are just a few things you might find Angela doing when she is not designing jewelry, writing books, or ministering to women.

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