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Virtual Book Tour: Destiny Lives on Fairhaven Street by CJ Hudson #blogtour #interview #romance #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @CJHudson1978


Contemporary Romance

Date Published: October 9, 2022

Publisher: Mindstir Media

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His abusive family tore him away from her. Would destiny be enough to bring him back?

At ten years old, Chris didn't have good looks, a caring family, or a bright future. But what he did have for three years was the love of Danielle, his beautiful neighbor on Fairhaven Street who showed him a glimpse of a life he desperately wanted.

To escape his abusive father, Chris was forced to move out of state with his mother to the icy hills of Michigan. All he could leave Danielle with was half of a heart-shaped pendant and a promise that he would one day return for her. To have any chance of getting her back, he had to end over one hundred years of abuse in his family, something his family claimed he was destined to carry on. All he had to keep him going was his half of the pendant, which tarnished over the years from his refusal to take it off.


Destiny Lives on Fairhaven Street is a touching memoir from author C.J. Hudson of his eight-year journey of preparation to return to the love of his life. Written to his twin sons, his story is a testament to the power of devotion and proof that the life you've always wanted is possible if you never give up.


What is the PRIMARY benefit, above all others, that your potential reader will gain from

reading this book? (Be very specific. Please do not answer with good read or page

turner; or some other worn-out, overused phrase. Be concise and avoid generalization.)

Even though I wrote Destiny to my children, I feel it reaches out to quite a few groups of people. 

To those who have faced abuse in their past, my hope is that it reminds them that they are in control of their own destiny, no matter how horrible their past was.

To those out there who believe that old fashioned romance is dead, and relationships are disposable, my hope is to remind them that there are men out there like myself who would willingly dedicate themselves to the right person for life.

To those who may be timid or weak, my hope is that this book shows them that it’s never too late to turn your life around and become the person you’ve always wanted to be. I was just lucky enough to have an amazing person to motivate me.

Those are just three of many.


Hundreds of thousands of books come out every year. Why should someone buy THIS

book? (What is it that sets THIS book apart from ALL those other books in the same

genre or category? What will the buyer get from you and ONLY you that simply cannot

be found elsewhere?)

This book is REAL. This is a true story that happened and involves people who exist out there in the real world. This is not a fairy tale. It’s about life in its best and its worst forms. It is raw. The beginning is graphic (chapter two, specifically) and is not for those who are very young or sensitive to child abuse. But as I state in the beginning, for those who are willing to set their sensitivities aside, they will experience a story that further proves that in the end, love conquers all things, even 100 years of abuse in a family. This book was meant to be the grand gesture to the love of my life and ended up being so much more.

Some other facts that separate it from others: it took me four years to write. It was completely re-written eight times. It went through six complete editing cycles. The book was written entirely on an iPhone while on my lunch break each day at work. The result was the book winning multiple awards.


Who is your target audience? (Be very specific. Gender? Age range? Geographic area?

Primary interests? What benefits does the reader hope to gain from buying a book like

this book?)

18-70 years old for the age. Originally, my gender target included only women, but what I found as time went by after launching the book’s Facebook page is that there are almost as many men interested in the story as there are women. The original release of the book blurb netted over thirty thousand likes in a month from people all over the world. That, coupled with the feedback I received from beta readers as well as book reviewers and awards judges demonstrate that people love a good old-fashioned romance, where boy and girl meet, are forced apart and boy becomes a man while on a hero’s journey to fulfill the promise he made to the girl and return to her. And the kicker is…it actually happened!


Tell us your most rewarding experience since publishing your work?

I’ve had quite a few since completing the book. I had more than one reviewer call it a masterpiece, which is obviously a massive compliment. I had one tell me that it inspired her to reach out to her first love. I had one radio show host tell me that after reading it she believed that I was always meant to write it.

The most rewarding was when I received the first print copy of the finished novel and watched my boys read it…since it is the first book of a series written to them that tells how they came to be.


How would you describe your writing style?

I excel at writing stories that tug at the heart strings and inspire. I want my writing to lift people up and get them through whatever hard times they may be facing.


Are you more of a character artist or a plot-driven writer?

A plot-driven writer. The advantage of writing a memoir is that the story is already there, you just have to make it interesting. What will be interesting in the near future is that I will be branching out to full blown romance in between books one and two of the Fairhaven Series.


What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it?

It was my purpose in life to end the cycle of violence in my family. When I die, I want my boys to make sure it is gone for good. The book is graphic for a reason. They (including my wife) never had to experience what I had to in my youth. My hope is that by them reading how bad it was and how it affected me throughout my life, that it would inspire them to keep my legacy alive by ensuring the cycle remains broken for good.


About the Author

When first looking at C.J. Hudson, the last thing one would expect him to be is a multi-award-winning romance author, but that is exactly what the bald-headed, barrel-chested disabled navy veteran is. His debut memoir "Destiny Lives on Fairhaven Street" was written in homage to his twin five-year old sons, telling of his eight-year journey where he ended 100 years of abuse in their family in the name of returning to the first woman he ever loved. Destiny was written entirely on an iPhone over four years, being re-written eight times, undergoing six full editing cycles and being rejected 138 times before landing at Mindstir Media. Destiny quickly became critically acclaimed and won over seven awards. C.J. resides in Pflugerville, Texas and enjoys a life spent with his wife and sons, all while living the very motto he plans on passing down to them one day: "the man you are destined to become is the one you choose to be."

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