
Monday, March 9, 2020

Virtual Book Tour: Feasible Living by Ken Kroes #blogtour #giveaway #rabtbooktours #interview #nonfiction @ken_kroes @RABTBookTours

Date Published: November 28, 2019
Publisher: 1779671 Alberta Inc

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No matter which way we turn today, trends like pollution, climate change, and the 4th Industrial Revolution are impacting the ecosystems that you and I live in.

The thrust of the book is to bring awareness to major global trends that we are facing and to give suggestions on how to adapt and prepare for them.

Topics covered include mental health, physical health, employment and lifestyle, social impact, and emergency readiness.

There is an emphasis on mentoring our youth who are especially impacted by both the anxiety that these trends raise and their direct impacts.


What was your main drive to write this book?

The changes to our environment and society are a passion of mine. Through extensive travelling and reading I have learned a great deal and I feel it is critical for people to be aware of how the big trends (like climate change, pollution, fake news, and job stealing robots) are and will continue to impact us. The important thing to realize is that this time IS different. We are approaching peak population on this planet and the reason for this is that we are pushing the environment and society to their limits.

What do you hope readers will learn by reading this book?

I hope to bring awareness that there are several trends that are impacting us and not all are environmental, and that each person can take actions to adapt and prepare for them.

Did you do much research when planning this book?

A pile! I wanted to make sure that the information provided was not only accurate but was representative of the big picture and not taken out of context. On this genre, I have read nearly 1000 research papers, opinion pieces, and books over the last 10 years and this book has specific references to over 200 of them.

Did you have any main people who helped you in the process of this book or influenced you to write it? 

My family has been, and continues to be, very supportive. I also have had a few experts review sections to ensure accuracy.

How long did this book take you to write from initial thought to hitting publish? 

I started to think about doing this book as I was finishing up my last non-fiction book, Feasible Planet. From start to finish on this book, about 2 years, but this is not full-time, as I have an evil day job as well!

Do you have plans to write more about this topic or new topics?

There are a few things that I am working on. The first is an audio book for Feasible Living. I have also been pondering doing a book targeted to youth (ages 10-14) that combines relevant topics from my last two books. I also am starting to plot out a new fiction book, a murder mystery, that I am pretty excited about.

About the Author

Ken Kroes is the author of the Percipience Eco-Fiction Series and the non-fiction books, Feasible Planet and Feasible Living. He is passionate about our relationship with our planet and applies his diverse background which includes agriculture, mechanical engineering, and information systems into his writing. Born in Calgary, Canada he has a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and has had the pleasure of living in many locations in North America and has traveled extensively.

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  1. Congrats on this tour and thank for the opportunity to read about another great book out there to read. It helps out so I can find books I know my family will enjoy reading. Thanks as well for the giveaway.

  2. Than you for hosting!
