
Friday, March 6, 2020

Virtual Book Tour: The Lost Train by Seth Crossman #booktour #interview #thriller #giveaway #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @sethcrossman

Action Adventure Thriller
Date Published: 2/20/20
Publisher: Golden Acorn Press

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A former MP, Will Stattin, is called to Europe to investigate the theft of several paintings. He learns that the paintings are part of a series of nine pieces of art, all with a clue that ultimately leads to a train that disappeared from Konigsberg, Germany in late 1944 full of gold, art, and priceless artifacts. He quickly learns that he is not the only one after the paintings. Now it is a race across Europe to find the paintings and the lost train with the help of the beautiful and savvy museum agent, Giovanna Rossi, before the hunt turns even more deadly than it already has.


What is the hardest part of writing your books?
Two things are actually hard for me. The first is writing good dialogue. I think good dialogue enhances description. A good dialogue can display a character’s mood, their fears, their thought process, how they are holding their body, what their tone is. That doesn’t come naturally for me. I can see the setting and know the plot, but I feel like I have to work twice as hard as normal to write dialogue well. The other thing is good fight scenes. You want them to sound realistic, to evoke a picture like you might see in a movie. That is hard to do. It is hard to do and keep the pacing fast. I love reading other authors who do it well.

What songs are most played on your iPod?
I don’t listen to music while writing. I find that it affects my writing style and tone too much. However, when I am not writing I like to listen to worship. Being a reverend, it is just what’s really dear to my heart. I like the really intimate, spontaneous ones like TRBL or Capital City Music. They really move me and help me get into an attitude of worship.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
I do have one critique partner at the moment and a lot of beta readers. My critique partner and I share a lot of our stuff. He probably reads it before anyone else, even my wife. As for beta readers, I like to hear as much feedback as possible during th process, because it help me make a much tighter novel. They see things that I don’t. They let me know where they see weaknesses or plot inconsistencies.

What book are you reading now?
Right now I am reading a lot of books. I like to jump around. I am reading D Day Through German Eyes. I am reading The Rage of Dragons by Even Winter. I am reading A Killer’s Wife by Victor Methos. Nine Elms by Robert Bryndza and Rising Sea: A Pat Walsh Thriller by James Lawrence. That’s a lot, but each satisfies a different reader in me.

How did you start your writing career?
I started my writing career when I was 17. I knew I was going to college for writing. Growing up, fantasy was my life. I loved it. So I started by drawing a map of this exotic land complete with rivers and mountains and countries. From there, I just started imaging what was happening and I wrote it down. It became an outline and from the outline the story took over. That is the epic fantasy series of which I hope to publish the first book this year. That first book has taken me 22 years to write, but that was my growth process. I must have restarted it twenty times!

Tell us about your next release.
My next release is going to be “The Apostle’s Secret.” It is the second book in the Will Stattin Thriller Series. That’s right, Will’s adventures are just beginning! This book picks up where book one left off, but it is a brand new adventure with a new incredible treasure, assassins, Bible secrets and the fate of a country at stake!

Thank you for having me!

About the Author

Seth Crossman is a minister, speaker, and writer who lives in Upstate New York. His own adventures have taken him across the globe and stirred his desire to write fast-paced, provocative thrillers that keep readers turning the page. He has three boys that he wants to inspire with a sense of adventure and courage to overcome whatever obstacles get in their way.

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