Blog Tour: Godspeed, Carry My Bullet by Ian Lewis #interview - A Life Through Books

Friday, August 19, 2016

Blog Tour: Godspeed, Carry My Bullet by Ian Lewis #interview

Date PublishedApril 2016
Publisher: Pronoun

Bobby Clyne has nothing to lose. Two illegitimate governments have taken the place of the fallen United States: The Directorate in the East and the United States Valiant in the West. And he's just learned that a man who once terrorized his family as a low-ranking member of the Military Police is set to become the Grand Marshall of the Ohio Region. Armed with his father's Dragunov sniper rifle, Bobby embarks on a mission of revenge with consequences far more reaching than his personal vendetta.


What is the hardest part of writing your books?
The hardest part of writing is finding the time to do it. I have more ideas than I have time to write, and in many cases, I begin to lose interest in an idea if I don’t get it out quick enough. The other difficult aspect is maintaining the quality of my writing time. Because I’m busy with work and family life, the only time I get to write is on my lunch break at work (when I’m awake but not feeling creative) or at night after everyone goes to bed (when I’m tired but feeling creative).

What songs are most played on your Ipod?
The only thing I’ve been listening to for the past two months is “The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me” by Brand New, over and over again. Occasionally “Daisy,” by the same band, sneaks in, but nothing else sounds good to me right now.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
I regularly participate in a critique group. This has been one of the most valuable tools in helping me improve as a writer. I get so many different perspectives; everyone picks up on something. One person might act as the grammar police; another might have great insights into character development. I think all aspiring writers should join a critique group.

What book are you reading now?
Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky.

How did you start your writing career?
I began writing my senior year in college because I needed a creative outlet. For whatever reason, I was really obsessed with keeping the stories I was writing as grounded and realistic as possible, and so I ended up with some aimless slice of life stuff. At the time, it seemed way more poetic than it was. I gave up writing for several years before I got the idea for my first novella, The Camaro Murders. It was around this time that I was invited to join my critique group. The combination of a fresh idea and the support of other writers was enough to get me going again.

Next year I hope to release the third installment in a loose series featuring a character known as the Driver, who appears in The Camaro Murders and Lady in Flames. It’s a short novel that reads in a more traditional, third-person point of view than the previous stories, both of which are somewhat experimental in nature. There’s sort of a retro 50’s vibe given part of the backstory, though the majority of the narrative takes place in present day. The supernatural murder mystery theme continues. Then in 2018, my goal is to release the sequel to Godspeed, Carry My Bullet.

Ian Lewis prefers not to be bound by a particular genre. Though the inspiration for his work varies, it often finds roots in something he dreamt. He strives for a gritty realism and maintains an interest in the humanity of his characters. His hope is that readers find themselves haunted by his stories in the sense that the narrative sticks with them long after they've finished reading, leaving them with a subtle restlessness for more. Mr. Lewis is the author of The Camaro Murders, Lady in Flames, and Power in the Hands of One, all novellas. His first full-length novel, Godspeed, Carry My Bullet, was published in April of 2016. He has been writing since 2002.

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