Non Fiction / Business / Coaching / Entrepreneurship / Education / Start-Ups
Date Published: July 29, 2015
What if you could sit with the founders of successful companies and discover the secrets to their success?
Through INSIGHTS, Chris LoPresti has gathered 101 world-class mentors to share their invaluable experiences for the benefit of every entrepreneur.
INSIGHTS grants you access to some of Yale’s leading entrepreneurs and the key learnings they’ve collected on their own entrepreneurial journeys. From founders of Fortune 500 companies such as FedEx, to the next generation of entrepreneurs like Thiel Fellows, to early investors in Apple, Cisco, Facebook, and other billion dollar startups, INSIGHTS is a collection of the best advice offered by a diverse group of leaders and innovators.
The 101 featured contributors reveal lessons learned the hard way to help you avoid common pitfalls and allow you to lead your company toward more streamlined success. This unique library of knowledge is available to reference as often as you need.
Thinking about starting your own company? Trying to improve your organization? INSIGHTS provides a wealth of information to guide you along your entrepreneurial journey.
From the author: This book was created to bring together a community of people to share their knowledge and pay forward the help they've received throughout their individual careers. All 101 entrepreneurs volunteered their advice and experiences in this book, and at many other times in their lives, they have offered their insights for free. They all share a common desire to support entrepreneurs of every type.
The proceeds from INSIGHTS will go to ELIS Inc., a registered 501c3 organization created by some of the entrepreneurs in this book. The purpose of the nonprofit is to help future entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators gain access to resources--both mentors and money.
Your contribution, by either making a direct donation or by buying this book, will help foster the next great organizations and businesses.
Through INSIGHTS, Chris LoPresti has gathered 101 world-class mentors to share their invaluable experiences for the benefit of every entrepreneur.
INSIGHTS grants you access to some of Yale’s leading entrepreneurs and the key learnings they’ve collected on their own entrepreneurial journeys. From founders of Fortune 500 companies such as FedEx, to the next generation of entrepreneurs like Thiel Fellows, to early investors in Apple, Cisco, Facebook, and other billion dollar startups, INSIGHTS is a collection of the best advice offered by a diverse group of leaders and innovators.
The 101 featured contributors reveal lessons learned the hard way to help you avoid common pitfalls and allow you to lead your company toward more streamlined success. This unique library of knowledge is available to reference as often as you need.
Thinking about starting your own company? Trying to improve your organization? INSIGHTS provides a wealth of information to guide you along your entrepreneurial journey.
From the author: This book was created to bring together a community of people to share their knowledge and pay forward the help they've received throughout their individual careers. All 101 entrepreneurs volunteered their advice and experiences in this book, and at many other times in their lives, they have offered their insights for free. They all share a common desire to support entrepreneurs of every type.
The proceeds from INSIGHTS will go to ELIS Inc., a registered 501c3 organization created by some of the entrepreneurs in this book. The purpose of the nonprofit is to help future entrepreneurs, leaders, and innovators gain access to resources--both mentors and money.
Your contribution, by either making a direct donation or by buying this book, will help foster the next great organizations and businesses.
What is the
hardest part of writing your books?
- As a first time author, I didn’t find the writing
or publishing process all that difficult because of the amazing wealth of
resources available from people who have been through the process before. I
treated Guy Kawasaki’s book APE
like a bible. If you could see my copy, you’d think there were more
post-it notes than pages. Kawasaki really does a fantastic job of covering
all aspects of the publishing process from writing to cover design to
What songs
are most played on your Ipod?
- This might seem like an unusual response, but the
music on television shows these days is EXCELLENT. My favorite is the
soundtrack to SUITS, which I listen to online via Soundcloud.
Do you have
critique partners or beta readers?
- Absolutely. I try to have someone who is good at
making things clear and concise, someone who is good with visuals, and
someone who is good with organization and flow.
- I also have a small group of core early readers
who receive advanced reader copies that agree to help de-bug the book and
help promote it.
What book
are you reading now?
- I’ve gone back to the basics. High Output Management, How to Win Friends & Influence People,
and Ben Hogan's Five Lessons: The
Modern Fundamentals of Golf.
How did you
start your writing career?
- I never thought I’d be the author of a book. This
book came about very organically.
- While I was trying to decide whether to proceed
with my company, I reached out to a handful of successful Yale alumni who
had started their own businesses and asked them for advice. At first, I
thought only one or two entrepreneurs would respond to my outreach, but
quickly that number became a dozen. The feedback I received was so
helpful, that I wanted to share it with future Yale grads — and anyone
else wrestling with the challenges of turning an idea into a company.
- My first thought was that I could turn these
twelve interviews into a series of blog posts, but as the number began to
grow, I knew I had to do something more with it. Publishing a book was
something brand new to me. Halfway through the process, I realized that
the book itself had become an entrepreneurial endeavor!
- The hardcover and eBook were just released and is
available via all major book sales sites. The audiobook will be out by
October 14th!
- 100% of profits are going to support STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and entrepreneur causes,
so please buy and buy often. It makes an excellent gift.
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