Virtual Book Tour: From Small Beginnings by Stephanie Laskoskie #blogtour #interview #giveaway #childrensbook #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours - A Life Through Books

Friday, January 7, 2022

Virtual Book Tour: From Small Beginnings by Stephanie Laskoskie #blogtour #interview #giveaway #childrensbook #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours



Children's book

Date Published: December 1, 2021

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Great things come from small beginnings, and GREAT you are indeed.

What is the hardest part of writing your books?
The hardest part of writing this book was re-living the painful moments that lead to it. In 2016, our twins were born at 23 weeks 2 days gestation, weighing 1lb9oz and 1lb7oz. On Day 10 they both went into complete respiratory failure and were not expected to pull through the night. We were not left with a lot of hope. We began to speak life over them and prayed for a miracle. 5 years later the emotions are still just as raw and it validates the need for this inspirational children’s book, especially in the NICU.

What songs are most played on your Ipod?
Generally I turn music on to have a calming distraction from the normal chaos in life. I play music from Christian artists such as Lauren Daigle, Zach Williams, Toby Mac, Mathew West, and Casting Crowns. A few country songs are thrown into the rotation as well.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
The most important partnership I have is with my illustrator, Lance Trachier. He carried the weight of bringing my vision and my story to life through his illustrations. Each illustration was hand painted and are absolutely stunning. I am in awe of his talent and feel so fortunate to have been able to partner with him on this book.

What book are you reading now?
“Joy Comes in the Mourning” by Jessica Allen.

How did you start your writing career?
My writing career came to be out of sheer necessity. While we spent 5 months in the NICU I felt like there were two huge gaps in resources for NICU families:
• A resource for NICU Siblings
• A relevant book to read to sick babies
I wrote a book called “My Baby is a Superhero!” to explain the NICU world to young siblings and remind them that they are heroes too. 100% of the book proceeds are used to send superhero care packages to NICU siblings across the US.

 Tell us about your next release.
When we were encouraged to read to our twins, I looked high and low for the perfect book to read to them. While “The Little Engine That Could” is an all time classic, it just did not feel appropriate to read to babies who were fighting for their lives.

We are excited to release our new book, “From Small Beginnings.” It is a great honor to be able to provide families with a faith-based inspirational children’s book that is appropriate for reading to all babies, but especially those who have a rough start in life

About The Author

Stephanie Trachier Laskoskie was born and raised in Texas. She is a proud mother of four, author of the international best seller "My Baby is a Superhero!" and runs a NICU support organization called From Small Beginnings.

In 2016, her life was turned upside down when her twins were born at 23 weeks 2 days gestation. Thanks to the incredible care received, her twins beat all odds and were able to come home together after 151 days in the NICU.

Her parents were both educators and books, specifically children's books, were always a huge part of her life. This experience with her own children fueled her passion to write children's books that were tailored to the NICU experience, not just for the baby but for the siblings and family. Proceeds from her books have been used to create NICU sibling care packages that have supported thousands of NICU families during their most difficult days.

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