Virtua Book Tour: Broken Chapters #blogtour #interview #giveaway #christianliving #selfhelp #nonfiction #brokenchapters #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours - A Life Through Books

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Virtua Book Tour: Broken Chapters #blogtour #interview #giveaway #christianliving #selfhelp #nonfiction #brokenchapters #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours

Christian Living / Self-Help

Date Published: 05-15-2023

Publisher: 100X Publishing

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A Faith-Building Anthology with True Stories of God's Faithfulness, Care, and Power!

Do you have a broken chapter for God to rewrite?

All of us have a broken chapter or two in life—some short in duration and some long—from deeply disappointing to tragic. In Broken Chapters, each chapter's author writes about the way they each personally experienced difficult situations and how they saw God show up in the midst of their pain. God is still in the business of restoring joy, restoring fortunes, restoring identity, and healing broken places today. Nothing is too difficult for Him.

He does care about you; He does care about what you've gone through. He does care about you finding hope, finding peace, finding resolution, finding healing, and most of all, finding Him. His eternal pen still writes and rewrites today, bringing beauty for ashes and working out all types of circumstances for good for those who love Him and are called to live according to His plans and purposes.

Now, it's time for you to be infused with faith and hope for your Broken Chapters to be rewritten.


Can you tell us a little about the process of getting this book published? How did you come up with the idea and how did you start?

While driving in my car one day, I heard someone randomly say the words “broken chapters” during a short interview. The idea for the book hit me at that time, and then it developed a lot more in the next couple of months. I put out the idea to my author community once I had a clear vision for it, and then we began writing.


What surprised you most about getting your book published?

The collaborative energy and excitement surprised me with this project. Normally, books are written in solitude—a project born of one person’s efforts—but this was much different!


Tell us a little about what you do when you aren’t writing

When I’m not writing my own books, I help other authors write and publish their books. It’s pretty much the best work ever! For the past 12 years, I’ve had the opportunity to help hundreds of authors in various ways get their books written and published. It’s quite rewarding and fun! I also enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, growing things in my garden, walking, singing, and doing remodeling projects.


As a published author, what would you say was the most pivotal point of your writing life?

I think I had two pivotal points along my author journey. The first one was getting my first book published. This is a big step and accomplishment for an author. If you can write and publish one, it makes subsequent books much easier, and it also cements something into your identity and self-image. The second was when I decided to start helping other authors. This shift proved to be very rewarding and has blessed my life in so many ways.


Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?

I’m an idea person, so ideas are plentiful. This can be a challenge though, as too many ideas can become a distraction and derail our progress and goals. Over the years, I’ve had to learn to discern which ideas are for me, which ones are for others, which to toss out entirely, which to hold onto for a future season, and which have come directly from God and need to become priorities. The God ideas are always the best!


What is the toughest criticism given to you as an author?

Criticism from readers is always a tough pill to swallow for every author, but I think some criticism is to be expected. What’s even tougher is when you have expectations of those closest to you, hoping they’ll be uber supportive of your writing endeavors, career and books, and then they seem indifferent at times. No one else is as excited about your work or advocates for your books as much as you do as the author, but you wish they would! I guess this wouldn’t be considered “criticism,” but sometimes it feels like it.


What has been your best accomplishment as a writer?

Interestingly, I think my best accomplishment (other than actually writing the books and getting them out) has been learning more about marketing. It’s a whole different arena and skill set for authors and writers, so it takes a different kind of work. I can’t say that I enjoy it…yet…but I am getting more proficient at it, so it does feel like an accomplishment!


How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

Right now, I have two more books in the works. They are two books in the same fiction series. One is about 99% complete, and the other is about 60% complete. I want to release them at the same time, and now that the Broken Chapters book is out, I hope to have more time to work on them!



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Instagram: @krista.dunk



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