Date Published: November 30, 2022
Publisher: Acorn Publishing
On a routine delivery, courier Jaxy Thrie must ferry a priceless item—a Fabergé guardian angel once worn by the Empress Maria Feodorovna—to a Russian heiress in British Columbia. Things get out of hand when Jaxy loses the valuable medallion. He finds himself in fast trouble with the Romanov Guild, who accuses him of theft. It falls on Jaxy to restore the national treasure to the Royal Museum while dodging bullets from a greedy band of robbers, the Mounties, and the Canadian Beaver Lodge Assassins Association.
What is the
hardest part of writing your books? Maintaining
plot continuity and keeping the characters consistent with their unique
personalities and voices from scene to scene.
What songs
are most played on your Ipod? 20th Century music of all types. As a fan of fifties
music, I made my protagonist Jaxy into a gifted rockabilly guitarist. I also play
piano and score choral and keyboard compositions, so I enjoy listening to anything
along those musical lines.
Do you have critique
partners or beta readers? Certainly. They kept me going when I would flag in
the effort or doubt my work. I also received valuable feedback from those acquainted
with the diverse topics treated in the story, such as ice climbing, or horseback
riding. As the book progressed, I leaned more on critiques from workshops to
help shape the plot, write better dialogue, and develop the characters.
What book are
you reading now? Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. A biographical walk along
her own journey to publication, Anne's book on the highs and lows and ups and downs
of writing is a terrific addition to any library of reference works.
How did you
start your writing career? An English professor once tried to talk me into switching
majors to Creative Writing because she liked my short stories. Years later, as
an Aerospace Engineer, I got what she meant when my peers at work said my laboratory
reports were so entertaining that I should have been a writer. While I'm not
sure what this says about my engineering, it confirms what had been said. Therefore, I decided to follow through on the suggestion
and commenced to write a novel of my own.
us about your next release.
The Canadian Beaver Lodge Assassins Association leaves off with a few unanswered
questions, so I could write a sequel. On the other hand, the story stands alone
and doesn't beg for one, so I may launch out into something completely new.
About the Author
A lifetime resident of California, Jerry moved to Santa Barbara after graduating from USC to work in the aerospace industry. Today, he designs night-vision cameras for everyday use. In his free time, Jerry likes to write and use his musical talent to compose original scores for piano and guitar. After his first loves—song and storytelling—Jerry enjoys hiking, spending time in the garden, and baking sourdough bread.
Contact Link
Instagram: @jerrycripewriter
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