Date Published: March 26, 2024
Publisher: MindStir Media
Dr. D'Andrea has conducted the most comprehensive, multidimensional, mental
health, and human development study of the adverse impact of Trumpism, Trump
supporters, and the Trump cult that has been done in the mental health
professions. This includes research results and theories drawn from the
fields of counseling, psychology, social psychology, psychiatry, political
science, religious studies, and other related disciplines.
His newest book falls within the liberatory psycho-political perspectives
described by many of the luminary giants in our nation's history. This
includes but is not limited to the teachings of Dr. Cornel West, Dr. Michael
Eric Dyson, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. Eddie S. Glaude Jr., Reverand
Dr. William Barber II, Naomi Klein, James Baldwin, Dr. Henry A. Giroux,
Howard Zinn, and Dr. Noam Chomsky. Dr. D'Andrea's scholarly accomplishments
(over 200 professional publications) and decades of social-political
activism have resulted in his being referred to as the Noam Chomsky of the
mental health professions in general and the counseling profession in
Ann Cavanaugh-Smith, Member of the Social Justice Creations non-profit
organization's Board of Directors

Introduce yourself and tell me about what you do.
My name is Dr. Michael D’Andrea. I have been a mental health professional for the past 40+ years. Because my area of expertise involves conducting research on the content and process of human development across the lifespan. Building on my commitment to conduct research in this area, I probably identify as a social justice advocate who places I value on implementing the new cycle-political perspective that is shared in my newest book entitled, “Beyond the Lies”:
Tell me more about your journey as an author, including the writing processes.
Dr. Michael D’Andrea began his professional career as an undergraduate student at Fairfield University in 1969 and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology in May 1973. Michael was accepted to the Master’s degree program in School Counseling also at Fairfield University in the fall of 1973. He graduated with an advanced degree in school counseling in 1975.
To address his educational expenses, Michael secured a position as a respiratory therapist and emergency medical technician at Bridgeport, Connecticut’s Park city hospital. He was trained in administering life-support and respiratory therapy to patients suffering from cardiopulmonary system deficiencies. Michael continued in this position until he graduated with a Master’s degree in School Counseling in 1975.
Michael parted ways with Park City Hospital in 1975, moving to Fort Bragg, California to work as the Director of Ocean View Adolescent Group Home. In this new position, he provided counseling, educational, consultation, and vocational development services for teenagers identified as experiencing serious mental health problems.
In 1979, Michael was admitted to the doctoral program at George Peabody College for Teachers, which merged with Vanderbilt University shortly thereafter. He graduated with a doctoral degree in May 1982 and worked for 10 years as a therapist in the Adult Day Hospital program at Meharry Medical College in Nashville Tennessee. He also gained appointments as a faculty member in the departments of Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Psychiatry.
During his tenure in Nashville, Michael gained much respect as a community activist in Tennessee. This respect contributed to being selected as co-chair of Rev. Jesse Jackson’s presidential campaigns in Tennessee in 1984 and 1988. He continued to work with Rev. Jackson for the next 20 years.
A new door of opportunity opened for Michael at the University of Hawaii, where he taught graduate courses in counseling and human development for 20 years.
Dr. D’Andrea is well-respected as a pioneer in the multicultural and social justice advocacy movements in the fields of counseling and psychology, in part, due to his 200+ professional publications including seven textbooks. His career spokes for the value of his passion and interest by taking unconventional and unexpected paths to his professional and personal development.
Tell me about your Book
I want to talk about several key outstanding aspects of the scholarly endeavor. First, I want to talk about the importance of having mental health professionals and their professional organizations to continue discussions about the importance of incorporating what I’ve referred to as psycho-political factors in the assessment of mental health problems for individuals and entire communities. Second, I want to talk about how the unprecedented demographic transformation of the United States which I referred to several times in my book represents key issues that underlie the threats to our democracy and the increase in mental health problems in the United States. Third, I want to talk about the importance of embracing the integral theory of mental health and ongoing human development which is also highlighted throughout my book. These are some of the important components that I’d like potential readers to understand their relevance in terms of addressing the mental health crisis we experience in the United States in ways that increase the mental health and ongoing development of millions of people from marginalized groups in our society.
Any message for our readers
My main message for readers is to encourage them to acquire new knowledge related to the threats to our democracy, and their relationship to the serious mental health crisis in our nation, and to consider ways that they can help address these two problems in whatever ways they feel they can. Minimally, my message is to be sure to exercise our right and responsibility to vote in all future elections especially the presidential election in 2024.
One of the cornerstones of Dr. D’Andrea’s new book entitled, Beyond The Lies, is the detailed description of the new integral theory of mental health and human development. Dr. D’Andrea has directly field-tested various aspects of the new integral in different environmental settings with persons from a broad range of multicultural backgrounds. The evaluation methods he used help validate the key points highlighted throughout the book and underscore the tremendous potential of the new integral theory of mental health and human development to address the mental health crisis in our nation.
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