August 2023 - A Life Through Books

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Cover Reveal: A Journey to Love by Mieke Vulink #promo #comingsoon #coverreveal #nonfiction #spiritual #rabtbooktours @miekevulink @RABTBooktours
11:00 PM0 Comments



A Holy Quest in the South of France

Nonfiction › Body, Mind & Spirit › Angels & Spirit Guides

Date Published: September 8, 2023 (tentative)

Publisher: Serapis Bey Publishing

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This book is a heart-warming, personal account of a Holy Grail Journey and the awakening to the inner guidance from the Light World. The reader is transported to other dimensions that go far beyond to what is accessible with our limited human thinking. From a heightened state of consciousness, the author meets essential parts of herself and her ancient connections with Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and the Holy Family become clear. Held by all aspects of love, you will find precious messages here that will encourage you on your own, inner and divine Journey to Love.


Early Reviews for this book


“In this touching and direct personal narrative, the reader accompanies Mieke and Eva on a transformational journey through geographical spaces of the Cathar country and back in time to revisit ancient resonances of spiritual truth that can be reborn in our time as a new awareness of the sacred, and especially of the key role of Mary Magdalene in early Christianity. It is an inspiring message of love for our time and a reminder of our perennial quest for wisdom and understanding.”

David Lorimer, author and editor, paradigm explorer and programme director, Scientific and Medical Network, France


“This book is a beautiful, very pure account of a special journey with Mieke and her daughter Eva. Reading it took me to deeper layers of myself and the environment I live in, Cathar country, to layers that I somewhere knew existed, but that could now come to the surface and are oh, so precious. Through reading Mieke’s book I’ve been able to make an even deeper connection to the Christ-consciousness and inner guidance, for which I’m deeply grateful. Our cooperation has been a real gift.”

Marianne van Mierlo, Dutch to English translator, France


“Mieke has been guided from deep within her soul to share her sacred journey through ‘A Journey to Love’. The beauty of her spirit shines through her sacred sharing and is taking us into higher dimensions from within a place of light. The magic of this book is that it opens up the reader to experience the mystical journey of the ancient power of Mary Magdalene and Jesus and the Beloved union of their souls that calls us home to love, in these modern times of uncertainty. As all mystical teachings, this book helps you to discover the true power of the Holy Grail and the holy source of Divine forces awakening within your heart. Prepare for a journey to love without limits and a lif- transforming experience.”

Judith K. Moore, Oracle of the Records of Creation, United Kingdom



About the Author

Mieke Vulink has devoted her life to the esoteric, mystical and sacred knowledge and initiation pathways. It is her passion to help other people become conscious of their own Divinity and to support the desire to connect with the Divine. She is a therapist and teacher in transformation and self-realisation; a teacher of essential healing; consciousness coach; a clairsentient medium; author; lightworker; and musician.

Mieke Vulink was born in 1962 in the Netherlands. As a highly-sensitive child, the piano was a perfect instrument for Mieke to express her feelings and inner knowledge of harmony and sound. Her first earthly career was in music, as a concert pianist, piano teacher and composer. During Music Highschool, she discovered another interesting world of: sound healing; spirituality; esoterism; mysticism; and the inner path of awakening to our Divine essence.

It became her passion to make conscious and tangible what can be changed and healed on everyone's journey to higher layers of consciousness. As a result of her own inner work, and the fine-tuning of her sensitivity, intuition and clairsentience, her connections with ascended masters and higher dimensions became stronger. Becoming more conscious of the illusions and duality we are living in, she discovered that she could heal the fears she carried inside from many lifetimes in which we all suffered, were manipulated and destroyed as human beings and as a result lost our connection with our inner Source/God.

For the past 15 years she has dedicated her life to the inner guidance from her connection with Source, knowing that self-healing from everyone's own Source can be realised. With this guidance came the callings to special, sacred places on Earth and after the first journey to the south of France her first book was born!

Mieke has been working for 35 years as a: guide for self-realisation and transformation; therapist; healer; teacher of essential healing; coaching conscious medium; and as a Lightworker. 


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RABT Book Tours & PR
Reading Time:
Release Blitz: The Lonely Ghost by Gitte Tamar #promo #childrensbook #releaseday #newbooks #rabtbooktours @brigittetamar @RABTBooktours
10:30 PM0 Comments


Children’s Book

Date Published: September 1, 2023

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Join a friendly ghost as they learn that being different doesn't matter when it comes to making friends.

About the Author

Brigitte, "Gitte," Tamar was born in a small rural Oregon town. Growing up, she was enthralled by scary tales featuring poetic tones and consistently gravitated towards writing darkened narratives. In the different storylines, Brigitte explores the harsh realities of social issues faced by today's generations. This includes the dark outcomes brought on by peer pressure, addiction, homelessness, mental illness, childhood trauma, and abuse. She feels it is essential to share narratives that refrain from sugarcoating the topics society tends to shy away from.


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Reading Time:
Book Blitz: Adventures of Takuan from Koto by Ryu Shong #promo #fantasy #adventure #rabtbooktours @anno_ruini @RABTBookTours
10:00 PM0 Comments


Fantasy Adventures

Date Published: 08-06-2023

Publisher: Anno Ruini Books

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Whimsical adventures of a young trickster: from clever exploits to a god-given mission.

The stone marten, in pursuit of the sun, climbs to the very Heavens and causes quite a commotion. Both the stubborn gods and the ordinary people have a hard time when weredemons break free. Even the Lord of the Underworld turns out to be powerless.

          But sometimes even a mouse can be stronger than an elephant, as the old proverb says. The fate of the world ends up in the hands of Takuan — a young trickster, who deceives the greedy, angry, and ignorant people across the country of Chinayindu. On his journey, he meets the wandering warrior Zhu Leizu, a temple monk named Soliang, the clumsy sorcerer Bricabrac, and many others.

          Our story begins with a village boy setting off to a monastery to become a demon-hunting monk, only to find out how truly dull monastic life can be.

          Or does our story actually begin with the birth of the stone marten Ta Guan? To learn about what happened in the Heavens, the incredible adventures of Takuan, and what was the end of all of it, read the book ‘Takuan of Koto’ by Ryū Zhong.

About the Author

Ryu Zhong has spent the last fifteen years in multinational corporations doing future research and developing novel tech. Today, Ryu writes fantasy and science fiction based on his experience. In his novels, he highlights the phenomena that humanity may face in just a few hundred years.


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31 August to 18 September

RABT Book Tours & PR
Reading Time:

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Book Blitz: Panda Never Cries by Abdulaziz M. #promo #selfhelp #nonfiction #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours
10:00 PM0 Comments


Date Published: August 6, 2023


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Panda Never Cries is not just another self-help book; it's a transformative journey into the heart of life's most profound lessons, illustrated through the calm, resilient nature of the panda. The panda, with its patient demeanor and tranquil existence, becomes the symbol of our capacity to navigate life's challenges with grace and composure. This book harnesses this imagery, melding it with deeply rooted wisdom to create an insightful guide for personal growth.

Key Themes Explored:

-Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Just as a panda survives harsh conditions and sustains itself predominantly on bamboo, the book emphasizes our ability to adapt and thrive, regardless of life's hardships.

-Balance and Harmony: Drawing parallels between a panda's balanced lifestyle and our need for equilibrium, the book delves into striking a harmony between ambition and contentment, action and reflection, and dreams and realities.

-The Journey, Not Just the Destination: Pandas, with their unhurried pace and serene disposition, teach us the value of savoring the journey, not merely rushing toward the destination. The book underscores the importance of appreciating every moment, highlighting that fulfillment often lies in the journey, not just the endpoint.

-Embracing Change: Pandas, despite their dependence on bamboo, adapt when necessary, showing resilience in changing conditions. The book empowers readers to embrace change, perceive it not as a threat but as an opportunity for growth and evolution.

About the Author

Abdulaziz M. transcends easy definitions. Starting his career as an engineer, he found his true passions extended beyond the confines of a single profession. His unwavering pursuit of self-discovery propelled him through various roles, from business development and marketing to sales and financial strategy. This professional odyssey led him on a global adventure, resulting in esteemed positions alongside royal family members and Ultra-High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWIs).

In the entrepreneurial world, Abdulaziz has been part of numerous start-ups, tasting both the exhilarating success and the enlightening failures. His experiences have shaped his understanding of life and business, infusing him with insights that he's shared as a motivational speaker and entrepreneurship advocate in the United Arab Emirates. His association with mega-events in Dubai further showcases his ability to navigate high- pressure situations with grace and composure.

However, it's his passion for life and luxury that truly sets Abdulaziz apart. He believes in the power of living in the 'now', a philosophy that imbues his daily life with richness and exuberance. Life, according to Abdulaziz, is not about the length of time you live but the depth of experiences you amass.

This book, ‘Panda Never Cries’, is Abdulaziz's testament to his sons, his legacy to them. Written as a guide for navigating life's many twists and turns, he intends it to be a 'life manual' his sons can turn to in times of uncertainty. Drawing from his own experiences and the Panda Mindset, Abdulaziz hopes to instill in his readers the wisdom and courage to live life to the fullest, irrespective of the challenges they encounter.

As you read ‘Panda Never Cries’, you'll not only explore the insights Abdulaziz gained from his varied experiences but also witness the universal applicability of the Panda Mindset. Abdulaziz invites you to embrace the present, appreciate the luxury of life, and embark on your own journey of self-discovery.

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RABT Book Tours & PR
Reading Time:
Virtual Book Tour: Hope Not Nope by Dr. Dillon Caswell #blogtour #nonfiction #selfhelp #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @Hopenotnope1
9:15 AM0 Comments

Using Hope for Healing and Reclaiming Identity as a Lifelong Athlete in a Sick Healthcare System


Nonfiction / Self-Help / Health

Date Published: February 6, 2023

Publisher: Mindstir Media

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We will all struggle and face suffering at some point in our lives. In this important book, Dr. Dillon Caswell, PT, DPT, SCS takes you through why suffering is necessary and why the shift in our healthcare field from transformational to transactional has prolonged the state of suffering and is leading to a systematic healthcare collapse.

Daily you are given misinformation and flat-out lies, such as your vertebrae are out of place, opioids are needed for pain control, the pain experience is due to your degenerating parts, and, phew, we could keep going on! People are giving up their purpose, life-long athlete identities, and what makes them live wholeheartedly due to poor advice from respected figures. You are getting the message of fear, feeling of brokenness and not being enough, and routined rejection, all summed up as the feeling of nope.

It's time to change that... Hope Not Nope will reshape your perspective, thoughts and behaviors, and equip you with an action plan by giving you the information you need to turn all of the misinformation, rejection, and lies - summed up as nope - into the greatest healing agent available: Hope!!!



Praise for Hope Not Nope


"Who wants to live a life of unhappiness and suffering? If you answered "not me", then Hope Not Nope is a book for you! This book perfectly taps into the enduring spirit of humanity. Dillon explains complex physiology simply, making the book accessible to people from all walks of life. You will find yourself nodding, laughing, and challenging your own dogma, often within a single chapter. Each thematic chapter contains anecdotes, key takeaways, and reflection exercises to help you move towards a more positive existence. If you are stuck in a rut or have the desire to make each day better than the last, then you will thoroughly enjoy Hope Not Nope!"

-Dr. Tim Gabbett, Ph.D. Top 25 Most Impactful Sports Scientists of All Time


"The greatest superpower human beings possess is hope - this guide will teach you how to flex your superpower daily. Dillon masterfully explains how to channel and direct your suffering experiences into a position of hope. You'll learn how to microdose your mindset like an optimist on a daily basis and change your perspective when life's illusions are defying you. As the author likes to suggest, you always have choices in life, but this book is worthy of a full send!"

Dr. Craig Lindell, PT, DPT, CSCS. Co-Founder of [P]rehab


"Dillon is uniquely positioned in the fitness industry to bring a vital message to lifelong athletes everywhere - that we must learn how to empower ourselves in order to create lasting positive change. So many former athletes surrender to an identity of being 'broken' or washed up, and their health and self-worth suffer in the process. In this important book, Dillon lays out a clear and actionable path to lead us through some necessary suffering in order to reclaim our physical and mental health, and an ability to continue to participate in the activities that bring us joy."

- Adam Rogers, CF-1. Coach of the World's Top CrossFit Athletes at Training Think Tank


"More than ever people need to feel encouraged and empowered in the modern healthcare world. I was driven away from a career in medicine and towards a career in health and fitness in order to take part in the empowerment movement and give clients tools to take into their own life in order to reclaim their health, confidence, and control over their health outcomes. Dr. Caswell shines a meaningful light on this dilemma that people face. He highlights the problem in a way that can allow anyone to recognize how the system is failing and then supports the reader with tools and frameworks to enhance their health outcomes and reclaim their birthright of a healthy and athletic body."

- Marcus Filly, Founder & Owner of Functional Bodybuilding"


About the Author

 Dr. Dillon Caswell is a sought-out enthusiastic clinical Doctor of Physical Therapy with expertise and a Board Speciality Certification in Sports. He has spent more than 10 years in higher-level education both as a student and adjunct professor at SUNY Upstate Medical University. He desires to empower and educate the next generation by cutting through the biased lies surrounding the human experience by constantly seeking and delivering the truth in science and healing. This mission has fueled him to write Hope Not Nope and host one of the top alternative health podcasts in the world: The [P]rehab Podcast. Dr. Caswell embodies servant-based leadership, bringing people that have been shamed with “nope” to the truth of hope, in a practice he founded and owns: Action Potential Performance Physical Therapy (AP3T), PLLC in Syracuse, NY.

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RABT Book Tours & PR
Reading Time:

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Cover Reveal: Crucible by Franca Storm #dark #romanticsuspense #coverreveal #comingsoon #preorder #darkromance #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours
10:00 PM0 Comments


Dark Romantic Suspense

Date Published: 10-11-2023

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Some burn in the fire, others are forged in it.


I’m justice.

I’m deliverance.

I’m punishment.

Ultimately, I’m a dealer of death.

It’s exactly what they need from me.

To push back the enemy.

To keep them all safe.

I’m always one step ahead.

Until her.

She wasn’t meant to be here.

She’s tempting a cruel twist of fate.

Now he’s got her in his crosshairs.

He’ll feed off her vulnerability.

He’ll make her a victim of his obsession.

If I can’t pull her out, she’ll drown in the dark.

She’ll become as twisted as the rest of us.


About the Author

Franca writes emotional and gritty reads about alphas with a dark side and the kickass women who turn their worlds upside down.

A Marvel and DC fan, you’ll often find her binging on superhero shows and movies. Away from that heart-pumping action, she’ll relax with a good book, or work on conquering her next 1,000-piece puzzle.

She writes to alternative and hard rock with her storyboard of inspiration by her side and some tasty snacks along for the ride. A cross between a pantser and a plotter, she’s happiest when she’s fully immersed in crafting her fictional worlds.

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RABT Book Tours & PR
Reading Time:
Release Blitz: Just Jake by Jaimie Engle #promo #releaseday #romance #newbooks #contemporary #contemporaryromance #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours
6:49 AM 2 Comments

Contemporary Romance

Date Published: 08-29-2023

Publisher: Vinspire Publishing

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An emerging country star returns to his hometown to overcome his serious writer's block and reunites with his high school sweetheart. Together they rediscover love and learn that the best music is the music you make together.




About the Author

Jaimie Engle writes stories with a magic touch for film, television, and books. Her feature film JUST JAKE sold to TrueBrand Entertainment for release on UpTV Faith & Family Network, with the novel adaptation sold to Vinspire Publishing (2023). Besides writing, Jaimie enjoys kickboxing, baking grain free treats, and supports her sons in professional theater and varsity football with her husband in Florida. Fun fact? Jaimie was an alien on Seaquest. Social @JaimieEngleWrites &


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RABT Book Tours & PR
Reading Time:
Release Blitz: A Duke's Guide to Romance by Sophie Barnes #promo #releaseday #historical #romance #newbooks #rabtbooktours @BarnesSophie @RABTBookTours
6:45 AM0 Comments


The Gentlemen Authors, Book One

Historical Romance

Date Published: August 29, 2023

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He only wanted to purchase a novel, now he’s falling madly in love…

Anthony Gibbs, Duke of Westcliffe, needs an income. Bills must be paid, appearances kept, and arrangements made for his sisters' debuts. In short, he must either marry or seek employment, neither of which sounds remotely compelling. But then he meets Ada and she suggests a third option. Now he's penning a novel while losing his heart to the bookish miss, a woman he cannot afford to marry unless he’s prepared to make some difficult choices.

Ada Quinn has no connections, no dowry, and consequently no prospects. Her plan for the future is limited to her skill as a bookbinder. Until Mr. Gibbs walks into her uncle’s bookshop and starts to romance her. Handsome, thoughtful, and utterly charming, Mr. Gibbs is precisely the sort of man Ada always dreamed of falling in love with. Until she discovers he’s not who he claims to be and that he intends to marry another.

About the Author

USA TODAY bestselling author Sophie Barnes writes historical romance novels in which the characters break away from social expectations in their quest for happiness and love. Having written for Avon, an imprint of Harper Collins, her books have been published internationally in eight languages. With a fondness for travel, Sophie has lived in six countries, on three continents, and speaks English, Danish, French, Spanish, and Romanian with varying degrees of fluency. Ever the romantic, she married the same man three times—in three different countries and in three different dresses.

When she’s not busy dreaming up her next swoon worthy romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, practicing yoga, baking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading.

For all the latest releases, promotions, and exclusive story updates, subscribe to Sophie Barnes’ newsletter today!

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RABT Book Tours & PR
Reading Time:
Teaser Tuesday: Live Ever-Fresh by Kathy Moore #promo #selfhelp #nonfiction #excerpt #comingsoon #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours
6:41 AM0 Comments



Self-Help / Spiritual / Counseling and Recovery / Geared for Women

Date Published: 09-11-2023

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Burned out from ministering to people? Living in survival mode?

Are you serving as a pastor, worship leader, counselor, working with teens or children, or ministering regularly to people in some capacity, and often feel like quitting?

Live Ever-Fresh is the fruit of Pastor Kathy Moore's journey in overcoming ministry burnout. She has served in church leadership/ministry for over 32 years and understands the complexity of challenges all types of leaders face.

  - Discover and change the unhealthy mindsets that lead to burnout

  - Develop vital skills that will empower you for healthy communication, boundaries, and maintaining passion as you minister to people

  - Learn to live as "His ever-fresh lily thriving on His love!" Song of Songs 2:1

What might ministry burnout look like?

   Do you have an internal critic telling you that you should be doing more? Do you feel obligated to help?

   Do you struggle with feeling used, taken advantage of, or not appreciated?

   Are you driven by a need to please people and feel guilty when you say "no" to helping?

   Do you find yourself rehashing conversations in your head or preoccupied with peoples problems?

   Do you feel drained from carrying so many responsibilities and wearing so many hats?

   Do you find yourself wanting to avoid the very people you use to love talking to and helping?


If you answered "yes" to 2 or more of these questions, then this book is for you.





Introduction: Elijah’s Cry Was

My Cry Too



“I’ve have had enough, Lord, …take my life,” Elijah cried out in desperation. In 1 Kings 19:4 NIV, Elijah had reached his lowest point and was ready to give up. I thought about Elijah as I spoke those same words to my precious Jesus, “I’ve had enough! I’m done. I quit.” Elijah had experienced some amazing victories and seen God do awesome things, and so had I. Then, his enemy, Jezebel, sought to kill him, and he became afraid. Feeling alone in his battle, he ran for his life. I remember wrestling with the Lord as Elijah did that day. Battle weary, I wanted to quit the ministry and get off the front lines. Yet, my greatest desire was to please Jesus, and He always met me in my place of struggle. One of my most powerful God encounters happened in one of my dark moments of pain.

Every leader I know has gone through seasons of wanting to quit. Sadly, many have. Burnout has led many beautiful, gifted, anointed leaders to leave the ministry. God has called me to share the process He took me through to help others avoid or overcome ministry burnout. Get ready to go on a powerful journey to learn how to live ever-fresh, my friends.


According to a Barna Survey


38% of pastors want to quit.


You will discover and replace key unhealthy mindsets that lead to burn out and develop skills that will lead you from survival mode to enjoying and living powerfully in Christ again. Think about dandelions in the spring. You go out and mow your beautiful, green lawn, and then a week later, one by one, all those dandelions have popped up again. What do you need to do to get rid of a dandelion for good? You must pull it up from the roots to get rid of it. That’s where our journey will begin too. We are going after the roots: the unhealthy mindsets lurking below the surface. We will explore some truths that the enemy had twisted into an unhealthy extreme—in me and others I know—to wear out Father’s compassionate and mercy-filled servants.

With each truth, I will be giving you some action steps to take in each chapter. This is vital, because it’s the application that leads to transformation.

Additionally, I will share some truth statements for you to intentionally speak out loud. Doing this will build strongholds of truth to replace the unhealthy mindsets. I call them freedom statements because it’s the truth you truly know that sets you free (John 8:32)!

Lastly, I have included a prayer in each chapter to make room for Jesus to minister to you. Ready, set, let’s go, beloved ones!

About the Author

Kathy Moore, a native-born Pennsylvanian, grew up with a passion and a heart for serving people from a young age. This passion led her to pursue her master’s degree in counselling from Regents University. Since then, Kathy has served and ministered to people of many different age groups in varied capacities. Over the past 32 years her experience includes: youth leader (teens), children’s ministry leader, home group leader, inner healing ministry, counseling, and teaching in a variety of settings. She is also the co-founder of the ministry “Diapers for Darlings” that provides diapers and essentials for babies and moms in her county. She is now serving as an administrator and is on staff as one of the pastors at Living Word Fellowship in Wellsboro, PA.

After experiencing her own personal burnout and healing from the Lord, it’s become Kathy’s passion to help people recover from survival mode, experience healing, and be equipped to live “Ever-Fresh and Thriving on His Love.” She has a gift for helping people discover and break free from long-standing lies, to receive emotional healing from Jesus, to recover passion, and to offer the tools to live healthy, refreshed lives. Kathy and her husband Dave of 36+ years are blessed to have four children and one grandchild.


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RABT Book Tours & PR
Reading Time:

Monday, August 28, 2023

Series Tour: Immortal Kiss Series by Laura Daleo #blogtour #bookreview #bookseries #darkfantasy #fantasy #giveaway #rabtbooktours @AutLauraDaleo @RABTBookTours
9:39 AM0 Comments


The Immortal Kiss Dark Fantasy Romance Series is ON SALE for $0.99 for a Limited Time!



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Centuries ago ten powerful vampire gods first walked the earth; their blood thirst knew no boundaries. The destruction of mankind was inevitable. Recognizing their weakness, they selected twelve wise human beings to transform with their godly blood. These twelve, known as The Old Ones and The Council, govern The Ten. A blood lottery appeasing The Ten’s hunger was set forth into the human world and passed down every fifth generation, continuing into the present day.

All of Beth Ryan’s life a mysterious mist has watched over her; a mist she believed to be a vampire. On a cold winter night, Philippe Delon, a 700-year-old vampire walks into Beth’s life. She is drawn to him, certain he is the vampire behind the mist...but is he?

Beth and Philippe cannot deny their love for each other, nor do they try to fight it. Within days of their encounter, Beth accepts Philippe’s invitation to move into his mansion. The mansion unlocks the door to the vampire world and exposes secrets from Beth’s past. Within its walls, she learns the true identity of the mist, her link to the blood lottery, and betrayal of her loved ones. Surrounded by lies, Beth stands before The Council begging for resolution.

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Five years crawled by at a painfully slow pace for young vampire, Beth; each year more agonizing than the next. The powerful unyielding spell which masked Amon’s whereabouts showed no signs of weakening.  Influenced by the binding ritual and Amon’s blood surging inside her, Beth will stop at nothing, and risk everything, to find him and turn the tables on Osiris, Isis, and Hathor.  In foggy streets of London, lives are threatened by a new breed of hunter, and nothing is what it seemed.  Beth once again finds herself surrounded by betrayal.  In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between Philippe and Amon – knowing that her decision will change one life forever. But whose?


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Brandon Cass is not your average teenager. He has a taste for blood—human blood. For sixteen years, he stumbled through life without a hitch until the enigmatic aroma of blood awakened something dark within him. Visions of a beautiful young woman with chocolate brown hair and ocean blue eyes haunt his mind, yet her identity is a puzzling mystery.

His hunger for blood strengthens, and the cravings become too powerful to control. No one is safe, not even his family. To safeguard all he once found dear, Brandon sets out on a quest for answers. In an unfamiliar city, he comes face-to-face with the beautiful young woman, confronts the dark force which controls him, and learns what he must endure to reclaim his soul.


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Series Review

I just finished this series and it was quite the whirlwind.  

The first two are connected a bit more than the third one, but I would definitely recommend reading in order to get the full experience. There is quite the time jump from book 1 to book 2. 

This was dark and drama-ridden. Lots of angst and certainly without fluff and frill that many seem to need to put in their novels these days.

If you like vampires, the real gritty ones, this is for you. 

These characters are not for the faint of heart and the author does not shy away from the dark aspect of vampires. 

The third book follows a new character, but I think having the backstory and world Laura Daleo set up in the first two really helps understand the book better. I enjoyed Brandon's story, but I was hooked by Beth's story.

  About the Author

LAURA DALEO is known for capturing vampiric persuasion in her Immortal Kiss series. This book takes an interesting spin on the Egyptian pantheon, from which vampires originated. At present, she is working on Once We Were Witches, the fourth book in the Immortal Kiss series.

Immortal Kiss, Bound by Blood, The Vow, The Vampire Within, The Soul Collector, and The Doll are among her published works.

She grew up in San Diego, California, and currently lives with her two dogs, Rose and Cooper, in Tucson, Arizona.


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