Erotic Romance
Date Published: 11-25-2024
Publisher: Chocolate Cake Reads
On a trip that goes awry from the start,...
Vicky and Michelle, best friends since childhood, rented a cabin for a last
hurrah together before Michelle's upcoming nuptials. The day of their trip,
Michelle receives an email with proof her fiance cheated on her. The two
women head to the cabin anyway to escape the chaos of a cancelled wedding.
Neither of them expected the cabin to already occupied by three sexy
Vicky's snowed in with three hot guys...
When Michelle's ex shows up unexpectedly to set the story straight and asks
to meet her at a nearby hotel, Vicky gets snowed in with the three men,
where things get even hotter! It starts out as happy fun times, but what
happens when none of them want to let go?
What else is she supposed to do to pass the time other than them?
Read "Tangled in Ribbons" to find out if they salvage their
friendships when jealousies, insecurities, and realities intrude in this
snowed in, why choose adventure.
This is fully consensual, why choose erοtic romance with MFMM and
limited MM action. For a list of sexÕ½al activities included in this book, please check out
Contains extensive explicit sexÕ½al language.

What is the hardest part of writing your books?
Finishing them. I love writing and often have multiple manuscripts going on at the same time. Creating a rough outline, figuring out the details about my characters and their motivations, determining what they’ll have to endure to earn their happy ending – I love all that stuff. But I tend to run out of steam at about the 90% mark, and I want to move on to the next book burning a hole in my brain. As someone with ADHD, finishing a project has always been a real challenge for me. My home is littered with partially complete projects, as is my computer. I’m hoping that I’ll actually finish the 8 zillion books I have plotted out because I want their love stories out in the world. I want everybody to find love, even my imaginary characters. However, I haven’t figured out how to write in my sleep yet, so it’s not going quite as quickly as I’d like.
What are your most played songs?
I usually listen to channels on YouTube that have focus music. Music has always been important to me, but I can’t listen to my favorite music when I write because then I want to sing along and lose myself in the music instead. As a Gen Xer, I love 90s alternative rock and contemporary pop music. When I’m writing, though, I have to listen to music without lyrics. Even back in college, I couldn’t listen to music while I studied and was often envious of those who could. But I love the thump of drums, bass, and keys while I’m concentrating; it helps the words flow and lets me drown out some of the chaos in my head.
Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
I’ve been part of a couple critique groups, and I enjoyed and learned so much from them. When they fell apart, though I didn’t hurry to replace them. For my debut, I used a few paid beta readers because I didn’t know anything different, and I’m grateful for the experience. Some of them were not terribly helpful while another gave excellent feedback that helped me make that book and my writing stronger. Since then, though, I haven’t used beta readers. There’s nothing quite like writing more and learning more about craft to hone your skills. I am fortunate enough to have found a wonderful group of people willing to ARC for me, and I’m so grateful for them.
What book are you reading now?
After several months of non-stop writing and releasing, I’m taking a little break to catch up on my life and my TBR. I’ve been devouring rom-coms and romantic suspense left and right.
My favorite genre of all time is mystery romance series (with different couples in each book), which is kind of hard to find, so I read a lot of romantic suspense because it’s close even though it sometimes has darker elements than I prefer. I like to read (and write) more light-hearted books, sometimes with heavy emotions but not usually with heavy themes. I don’t know what that’s called because it’s not really rom-com, and contemporary romance is too broad. Sorry, got off track again.
I just finished a delightful series by Sara L. Hudson about NASA astronauts. I think I saw a Facebook ad for her book “Space Junk,” and since I’m a sucker for geeky romances, especially when the FMC is the geek, I jumped on it. And I’m so glad I did. I gobbled up the whole series and then read the rest of her books, barely coming up for breath. I’m a mood reader, and I often don’t know what I’m in the mood for until I start something and find out if it grabs me or not.
The other day, I also read a delightful gem of a rom com called “Not Your Book Boyfriend” by L. Ann. It was a kick-your-feet-and-cackle-with-glee kind of book, over the top and absurd, which made it perfect for the day I had when I started it. Now that I’m done with those, I’m kind of flitting from various books in my TBR, hoping something sucks me in like they did. I’ve started a few things, but nothing has really grabbed me the way they did. I think I’m in a romantic suspense mood, though, so I’ll keep trying.
How did you start your writing career?
I’ve always wanted to do NaNoWriMo (before they imploded). In my day job, though, November is usually a tough month, so I’ve never been able to do it since I usually travel then and have a ton of extra obligations. Once the pandemic changed everything, and my industry shifted, I had more flexibility. My husband encouraged me to pursue it. I wrote almost 100,00 words in November 2022 and then another 50,000 the next before I re-outlined the whole book, chucked a bunch of it, and rewrote the entire story, cutting out several characters and story lines. Kill your darlings, indeed!
And then I found Kindle Vella, met a ton of wonderful authors who mentored and befriended me, and learned that I love writing multiple stories at once. I haven’t looked back since!
Tell us about your next release.
I have a couple of books in progress right now. One is the follow-up to my debut, “Growing Connected.” “Connected at Last” is a brother’s best friend, second chance romance complete with fake dating (someone else entirely), a meddling found family, and a clandestine matchmaker. I’m planning to release that late spring/early summer.
I’m also working on the next book in my erotic romance series (based on my most popular serial story), “Booked for Lust,” which follows the why choose adventures of a once-shy librarian. Tentatively titled, “Reserve,” it will be my next release this spring.
And there was so much excitement about some of the side characters from my latest release, “Mr. February,” that I’m trying to rearrange my schedule so I can get the next book out in that series sooner than later. My “Spicy Holidays with the Geeks” was supposed to be holiday novellas, but this book took on a life of its own and ended up nowhere near novella-length. Oops!
About the Author
I write sexy books about kissing, happy ever afters, and the drama in
I live in the southern US with my husband, kids, and a cat who rules the
house. I spend way too much time on the computer, and only some of it is
looking at NSFW memes or reading romance novels.
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