Virtual Book Tour: Once You Know by Agnes Deglon L.Ac., MS. #blogtour #nonfiction #giveaway @RABTBookTours @agnesdeglon - A Life Through Books

Monday, November 25, 2019

Virtual Book Tour: Once You Know by Agnes Deglon L.Ac., MS. #blogtour #nonfiction #giveaway @RABTBookTours @agnesdeglon

Non Fiction / Body, Mind, Spirit / Inspiration & Personal Growth

Date Published: November 5th 2019
Publisher : Acorn Publishing

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Our children are our hope, our future, our everything. Yet, we are often very unaware of the consequences of our actions, and the impact they have on our children’s future. The dangers of our lack of awareness are real. For the first time in history, our children’s life expectancy is shorter than ours. It is our duty as parents to educate ourselves and help our children thrive. This book is:

·  An invitation to take a deeper look at the cultural influence on our children’s health.

·  A helpful resource for parents who wish to take an active role in preserving their children’s health in today’s toxic environment.

·  An empowering guide with life-changing information that most of us don’t have.

Once you know, you can make changes. NOW is the time to act.


What is the hardest part of writing your books?
I was a scientist, not a writer, so I had to learn how to write first. Also, English is not my first language, which made it even more challenging. I was used to researching information, but then I had to transform the somewhat complex information into easily understandable messages.

What songs are most played on your Ipod? none

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
Yes, like-minded friends, former classmates, other moms, and my editors.

What book are you reading now?
Natasha Campbell McBride - Vegetarianism explained

How did you start your writing career?
My children’s book series Kids’ Questions About Life, a trilogy on body, mind, and soul were the result of endless questions posed by my boys. I collected kids’ questions for 2 years and published them with illustrations.

Tell us about your next release.

I am not sure yet. But I did send out a questionnaire to parents asking what they would wish they knew about children’s health before they became parents. 

About the Author

Agnes Deglon is a biochemist, oriental medicine practitioner, and the mother of two young boys. She is a passionate children’s health advocate. In the few years she spent in the acupuncture clinic, she came to the conclusion that it is easier to preserve health than to cure disease. 

Aside from ONCE YOU KNOW A Guide to Preserving Your Child’s Health, Agnes is the author of the children’s book series, Kids’ Questions About Life, an educational book series written in simple language for parents, teachers, and kids who are pondering the deeper, more complex yet so essential issues of life. Book two in the series, Wait for me! Would you Mind?, won first place in the 2016 Royal Palm Literary Award. Book three, The Little Souls, was a finalist. 

You can visit her online at WWW.AGNESDEGLONBLOG.COM

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